The 16th Symposium Aristotelicum, dedicated to Book ´ of Aristotle’s Metaphysics,
organized by Michel Crubellier and Andre´ Laks, was held in Lille from 20 to 24
August, 2002, in the premises of the Ecole Supe´rieure de Commerce de Lille.
We would most especially like to thank the director, M. Jean-Pierre Debourse,
who graciously placed the premises of the Ecole at the disposal of
the Symposium during this summer period, as well as the personnel of the
Ecole who welcomed us. The organization of the colloquium would not have
been possible without the financial support placed by the Institut Universitaire
de France at the disposal of its member, Andre´ Laks, and without the logistical
assistance of UMR Savoirs et Textes. Ce´cile Wartelle, doctoral recipient of
University Lille 3, helped with the scientific organization of the Symposium, for
which we deeply thank her. Our deepest thanks likewise go to Mme Vale´rie
Delay, who organized for our colleagues, and served as guide for, a visit to the
Muse´e de l’Hospice Comtesse.