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deHaan J., deHaan P. — Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8
deHaan J., deHaan P. — Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8

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Название: Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8

Авторы: deHaan J., deHaan P.


Powerful development and design tools require thorough and authoritative technical advice and documentation. When it comes to Macromedia Flash, no one is more authoritative than Macromedia Development and writing teams. Now their official documentation is available to you in printed book form. As you work, keep this guide by your side for ready access to valuable information on using Flash. We’ve designed it so that it’s easy to annotate as you progress.

Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8 shows you how to write proper ActionScript syntax to create useful and interactive Flash applications. This book includes examples of object-oriented programming, and teaches you how to write custom classes for your Flash applications. Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8 also includes numerous hands-on examples on how to apply expressive and interactive features to your files using ActionScript code, such as file upload, filter effects, scripted animation, and anti-alias text using the FlashType font rendering engine.

In Learning Actionscript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8, learn how to:
• Write proper ActionScript syntax using the fundamentals of the ActionScript language.
• Use object-oriented programming techniques to build Flash applications.
• Use ActionScript classes to add interactivity and expressive features to your Flash applications.
• Use best practices and coding conventions to optimize, structure, and write consistent ActionScript.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 864

Добавлена в каталог: 04.03.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Output panel, displaying      
Output panel, List Objects command      
Output panel, List Variables command      
Output panel, options      
packages, about      
packages, compared with classes      
packages, defined      
packages, importing      
packages, naming      
packages, working with      2nd
Parameters      2nd
parent movie clips      
parentheses, checking for matching pairs      
passwords and remote debugging      
pausing (stepping through) code      
PDF documentation, where to find      
performance, and filters      
performance, and frame rate      
performance, bitmap caching      
Pin Script option in the Actions panel      
pinning a script      
pinning scripts      
pinning scripts, defined      
pinning scripts, on the Timeline      
playing movie clips      
POINTER      [See cursors]
policy files      [See also security]
policy files, defined      
policy files, must be named crossdomain.xml      
polymorphism, about      
polymorphism, using      
post colon syntax, defined      
prefixes, super      
primitive data type (data value)      
progress bar      
progress bar, and drawing API      
progress bar, creating with code      
progress bar, for data loading      
progressive JPEG image, defined      
projectors, executing applications from      
Properties tab, Debugger      
Properties, defined      
properties, initializing at runtime      
properties, of movie clips      
properties, of objects, accessing      
properties, private      
properties, public      
properties, static      
publish settings      
publish settings, ActionScript      
publish settings, choosing Flash Player version      
publish settings, modifying      
publish settings, modifying the classpath      
punctuation balance, checking for      
quotation marks, in strings      
registration point, and loaded images      
Relational operators      
relative paths      
remote, debugging      
remote, files, communicating with      
remote, sites, continuous connection      
removing, loaded SWF files      
removing, movie clips      
repeating actions, using loops      
Reserved words      [See also keywords]
reserved words, about      
reserved words, built-in class names      
reserved words, future reserved words      
reserved words, listed      
reserved words, other recommendations      
resources, additional      
Return statement      
runtime data binding      
runtime data binding, about      
runtime data binding, creating a two-way binding      
runtime data binding, with CheckBox      
runtime, defined      
sample files, about      
scale-9      [See 9-slice scaling]
scale-9, about      
scope, about      
scope, best practices      
scope, in classes      
scope, this keyword      
Script Assist mode      
Script Assist mode, about      
Script Assist mode, defined      
Script navigator      
Script pane      
Script pane, buttons above      
Script pane, defined      
Script window      
Script window, about      2nd
Script window, about breakpoints XML file      
Script window, coding in      
Script window, defined      
Script window, menu options      
scripted animation      
scripted animation, about      
scripted animation, and blur filter      
scripted animation, and filters      
scripted animation, and Tween class      
scripted animation, brightness tween      
scripted animation, creating a progress bar      
scripted animation, drawing API      
scripted animation, moving images      
scripted animation, moving objects      
scripted animation, panning images      
scripted animation, Tween and TransitionManager classes      
scripts, about events      
scripts, clip events      
scripts, correcting text display problems      
scripts, debugging      
scripts, frame scripts      
scripts, importing and exporting      
scripts, keyboard events      
scripts, keyboard shortcuts for pinned scripts      
scripts, organizing code      
scripts, pinning in place      
scripts, porting to Flash Player 7      
scripts, testing      
scripts, where to write      
scripts, writing to handle events      
scrolling, and bitmap caching      
scrolling, text      
scrollRect property      
security, and policy files      
security, and porting scripts to Flash Player 7      2nd 3rd
security, cross-domain      
security, data access across domains      
security, Flash Player compatibility      
security, loadPolicyFile      2nd
sending information      
sending information, in XML format      
sending information, to remote files      
sending information, URL-encoded format      
sending information, via TCP/IP      
server-side scripts      
server-side scripts, creating      
server-side scripts, languages      
server-side scripts, XML format      
servers, opening continuous connection      
setInterval, and frame rate      
setInterval, using      
setRGB method      
setter methods      
setter methods, about      
setter methods, using      
sharing fonts      
sharing fonts, about      
single-quote character, in strings      2nd
Singleton Design Pattern      
slash syntax      
slash syntax, about      
slash syntax, not supported in ActionScript 2.0      
slash syntax, using      
Socket connections      
socket connections, about      
socket connections, sample script      
Sounds      [See also external media]
sounds, attaching to Timeline      
sounds, balance control      
sounds, controlling      
special characters      
Stage, attaching symbols to the      
statements, about      
statements, compound      2nd
statements, conditional      2nd
statements, defined      2nd
statements, for      
statements, guidelines for writing      
statements, if      
statements, if..else      
statements, if..else if      
statements, importing      
statements, switch      
statements, trace statements      
statements, try..catch..finally      2nd
statements, while and do while      
statements, with 2nd [See class members]      
Static text      
stepping through lines of code      
stopping movie clips      
strict data typing      
String class      
String class, about      2nd
String class, and substr() and substring() methods      
String class, charAt() method      
String class, concat() method      
String class, length property      2nd
String class, split() method      
String class, toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods      
String class, toString() method      
string literal      
Strings panel      
strings, about      
strings, analyzing      
Strings, comparing      
strings, comparing to other data types      
strings, converting and concatenating      
strings, converting case      
strings, creating      
strings, creating an array of substrings      
strings, defined      2nd
strings, determining length      
strings, examining characters      
strings, finding character position      
strings, finding substring      
strings, forcing type comparisons      
strings, looping over      
strings, returning substrings      
strings, using      
stroke styles      
strokes, setting parameters      
strokes, setting styles      
strong typing      2nd
style sheets      [See cascading style sheets]
styles, line      
styles, stroke and caps      
subclasses, about      
subclasses, creating for movie clips      
subclasses, example      
subclasses, writing      
super prefix      
surfaces, bitmap caching      
surfaces, defined      
SWF files      [See also movie clips]
SWF files, controlling in Flash Player      
SWF files, creating sound controls      
SWF files, embedding in text fields      
SWF files, jumping to frame or scene      
SWF files, loading and unloading      
SWF files, loading into movie clips      
SWF files, maintaining original size      
SWF files, passing information between      
SWF files, placing on Web page      
SWF files, scaling to Flash Player      
switch statements      
switch statements, conventions      
switch statements, using      
syntax color options, setting in the Actions panel      
syntax, case sensitivity      
syntax, checking      
syntax, slash      
system, event, defined      
system, requirements, for ActionScript 2.0      
tab character      
Tab key, and Test Movie      
target path      
target path, and dot syntax      
target path, and nested instances      
target path, and targeting an instance      
target path, defined      
target path, inserting      2nd
target path, using      
target path, using button      
targeting, and scope      
targeting, loaded content      
TCP/IP connection      
TCP/IP connection, sending information      
TCP/IP connection, with XMLSocket object      
terminology, ActionScript      
Test Movie      
Test Movie, and keyboard controls      
Test Movie, and Unicode      
Testing      [See debugging]
text      [See also text fields]
text components      
text fields      [See also TextField class TextFormat and
text fields, about      
text fields, and HTML text      
text fields, applying cascading style sheets      
text fields, avoiding variable name conflicts      
text fields, changing dimensions      
text fields, changing position      
text fields, controlling embedded media      
text fields, creating dynamically at runtime      2nd
text fields, default properties      
text fields, defined      
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