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Название: Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8
Авторы: deHaan J., deHaan P.
Powerful development and design tools require thorough and authoritative technical advice and documentation. When it comes to Macromedia Flash, no one is more authoritative than Macromedia Development and writing teams. Now their official documentation is available to you in printed book form. As you work, keep this guide by your side for ready access to valuable information on using Flash. We’ve designed it so that it’s easy to annotate as you progress.
Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8 shows you how to write proper ActionScript syntax to create useful and interactive Flash applications. This book includes examples of object-oriented programming, and teaches you how to write custom classes for your Flash applications. Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8 also includes numerous hands-on examples on how to apply expressive and interactive features to your files using ActionScript code, such as file upload, filter effects, scripted animation, and anti-alias text using the FlashType font rendering engine.
In Learning Actionscript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8, learn how to:
• Write proper ActionScript syntax using the fundamentals of the ActionScript language.
• Use object-oriented programming techniques to build Flash applications.
• Use ActionScript classes to add interactivity and expressive features to your Flash applications.
• Use best practices and coding conventions to optimize, structure, and write consistent ActionScript.
external media, about loading external media, and the root timeline external media, creating progress bar animations external media, loading images and SWF files external media, loading MP3 files external media, loading SWF and image files external media, loading SWF files and JPEG files external media, MP3 files external media, playing FLV files external media, preloading2nd external media, ProgressBar component external media, reasons for using external sources, connecting Flash with2nd ExternalInterface class ExternalInterface class, about ExternalInterface class, using fading objects FileReference class FileReference class, about FileReference class, and download() method FileReference class, and security FileReference class, building an application files, uploading Filters filters, adjusting properties filters, and ActionScript filters, and error handling filters, and memory usage filters, and out-of-memory error filters, and performance filters, and transparency filters, animating filters, applying to instances filters, array filters, changing brightness level filters, defining filters, getting and setting filters, glow filter filters, manipulating with code filters, modifying properties filters, noise filters, rotating and skewing filters, rotating, skewing, and scaling filters, understanding packages Flash 4 files, opening with Flash 8 Flash 8, new and changed ActionScript features Flash player Flash Player 4 Flash Player 4, creating content for Flash Player 7 Flash Player 7, new security model2nd 3rd Flash Player 7, porting existing scripts Flash Player 8 Flash Player 8, deprecated language elements Flash Player 8, new and changed ActionScript editor features Flash Player 8, new and changed language elements Flash Player container Flash Player container, defined Flash Player, and ActionScript Flash Player, classes, about Flash Player, coding standards Flash Player, communicating with Flash Player, debugging version Flash Player, displaying full screen Flash Player, displaying or dimming the context menu Flash Player, getting latest version Flash Player, methods Flash Player, normal menu view Flash Player, publish settings Flash Player, scaling SWF files to Flash Video[See video] FlashType FlashType, about FlashType, Flash Player support FlashVars FlashVars property FlashVars property, about FlashVars property, using FlashVars, about FlashVars, using to display text FLV files[See also video] FLV files, and Macintosh FLV files, configuring the server for FLV FLV files, creating a FLV banner FLV files, creating a progress bar FLV files, cue points2nd FLV files, external video FLV files, loading external files at runtime FLV files, metadata FLV files, navigating with code FLV files, preloading FLV files, preloading external video FLV files, working with cue points FLV Video[See video] FLVPlayback component FLVPlayback component, and cue points FLVPlayback component, and seek() method FLVPlayback component, creating cue points to work with FLVPlayback component, seek to a specified duration FLVPlayback component, seek to cue point2nd FLVPlayback component, using cue points with font outlines font rendering font rendering, about font rendering, methods font rendering, options font symbols, embedding font tables font tables, creating font tables, cutoff values font tables, setting Fonts fonts, about fonts, adding and removing fonts, cutoff values fonts, defined fonts, sharing for loops for loops, example for statements, writing for..in loops form feed character formatting code2nd formatting text formatting text, using Frame rate frame rate, about frame rate, and onEnterFrame frame rate, choosing frame rate, with Tween class frame scripts frame scripts, about frame scripts, defined fscommand() function fscommand() function, commands and arguments fscommand() function, communicating with Director fscommand() function, using fully qualified name fully qualified name, defining fully qualified name, using Function function keys, ASCII key code values function literal function literal, about function literal, redefining function literals function literals, defined function, function block Functions functions, about