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Aas K. — Technologies of Insecurity: The Surveillance of Everyday Life
Aas K. — Technologies of Insecurity: The Surveillance of Everyday Life

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Название: Technologies of Insecurity: The Surveillance of Everyday Life

Автор: Aas K.


This volume presents contributions which grew out of a conference on
‘Technologies of (In)Security’ held at the University of Oslo in April 2007.
The aim of the conference was to provide critical interdisciplinary perspectives
in the field of surveillance, crime control and technology studies. It was
an attempt to chart the complex landscapes of surveillance and social exclusion
in an era when social control is increasingly technologically mediated
and articulated across distant boundaries, as well as marked by various
notions of danger and insecurity. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity
of the Norwegian Research Council, which provided financial support for the
conference and the publication of this book. We also want to thank the
University of Oslo, Faculty of Law, for hosting the conference, and our
colleagues and master students at the Department of Criminology and
Sociology of Law for their participation, support and invaluable assistance.
Above all we wish to express our thanks to the contributors who made the
conference intellectually stimulating and worthwhile and then wrote the
papers that make up this volume. It was an exciting event which we hope
comes across in the book as well.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 296

Добавлена в каталог: 07.04.2018

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