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Название: Innovative Endocrinology of Cancer (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 630)
Авторы: Berstein L., Santen R.
Atthebeginning ofthe21th century, hormone-associated tumorsmadeupnotless
than30-40%of allhumancancers. 1Thus,the importance oftheproblem-both medical
and social-was the firstreasonfor the creationof this volume. Accordingly, the
firstgoalof the bookwas to reviewdifferent aspectsof the extensive fieldof research
in the area coveredby the notion 'hormonesand cancer'.
First,howeverdoes not necessarily mean main. Most of us know that scienceis
about asking questions and finding credibleways to answer them and that it works
best in a culturethat welcomes challenges to prevailing dogmas.' Thus,the principal
aim of this volumeis to describethese new and attractive ideas and methodswhich
have animatedoncoendocrinolgy in recentyears.Tofulfill this task,the co-editors of
the book were guidedby a desireto describe the rich innovation in thisfield.