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Montalti M., Credi A., Prodi L. — Handbook of photochemistry
Montalti M., Credi A., Prodi L. — Handbook of photochemistry

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Название: Handbook of photochemistry

Авторы: Montalti M., Credi A., Prodi L.


Since the publication of the second edition of this handbook in 1993, the field of photochemical sciences has continued to expand across several disciplines including organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biological chemistries, and, most recently, nanosciences. Emphasizing the important role light-induced processes play in all of these fields, the Handbook of Photochemistry, Third Edition provides quick and convenient access to chemical and physical data that are crucial to photochemical investigations from the planning and experimentation phases to the interpretation of results. The third edition of the Handbook of Photochemistry offers detailed overviews of the photochemical processes that occur in organic molecules and transition metal complexes, written by leading experts around the world. The authors maintain the highly regarded organization of data from previous editions while updating and expanding its tables with data pertaining to hundreds of new compounds. The book now contains sections focusing on metal complexes and organometallic compounds, offering photophysical and quenching data as well as reduction potential values, a key factor in photochemical electron transfer processes. It also features new information on light sources and filters, chemical actinometry, solutions to common problems in photoluminescence measurements, and lab-friendly techniques pertaining to experimental UV/visible spectroscopy and irradiation methodologies. The Handbook of Photochemistry delivers an exhaustive, up-to-date collection of photophysical and electrochemical data on organic compounds and transition metal complexes. It represents an invaluable compilation of complementary data, background information, and references for students, researchers, and spectroscopists performing a vast assortment of photochemical experiments.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 3rd

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 635

Добавлена в каталог: 11.03.2018

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