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Furui S., Sandhi M.M. (eds.) — Advances in Speech Signal Processing. Part II |
Предметный указатель |
Stress, timed language 761
Stuttering 704
Sub-word unit 521 525 540
Subband ADPCM 129 136
Subband coder 98
Subband Coding 100 101 104
Subjective assessment by listeners 338
Subjective evaluation 134
Subjective quality assessment of coded speech 363
Substitution/insertion/deletion errors 397
Suffixes, derivational 758
Suffixes, inflectional 758
Supervised adaptation 612
Supervised learning 527
Supervised methods 608
Supraglottal filter 742
Suprasegmental characteristics 702
Suprasegmental features 714
Suprasegmental speech phenomena 711
Surnames 819
Switched-adaptive interframe vector prediction (SIVP) 74
Syllable 743 770
Synchronous satellite 331
Synchrony 463
Synonym language model 680
Synonym language modeling 677
Synonym sets 676 679
Syntactic ambiguity 762
Syntactic analysis 761 801
Syntactic processing 544
Syntactic word classes 661
Syntagmatic constraints 747
Syntagmatic relations 765
Syntax 744
Syntax control 488
Syntax control by finite state automaton (FSA) 489
Synthesis 743
Synthesis by rule 743 833
Synthesis, allophone-based 390
Synthesis, articulatory-based 390
Synthesis, diphone-based 390
Synthesis, units 768 770 773
Synthesizer 834
Synthesizer, control parameters for 233 245
Synthetic phase residuals 187
Tag phrases 813
Teaching aids for foreign languages 42
Teleconferencing 85 98 104
Telephone channel 399
Telephone connection via satellite 331
template 719
Template, based recognizers 732
Temporal flow model 561
Temporal nonplace approach 463
Temporally dynamic networks 560
Temporally static networks 559
Terminal analog speech synthesizer 834
text analysis 748 791 794 796
Text analysis, preprocessor 750
Text corpora 829
Text preprocessing 391
Text-dependent methods 608
Text-independent methods 608
Text-to-speech (TTS) 741
Text-to-speech (TTS), system 791 818 833
Text-to-speech (TTS), system, design 745
Text-to-speech (TTS), system, single word 751
Text-to-speech (TTS), unrestricted 745
Threshold test 705
Time synchrony models 322
Time-varying bit allocation 91
Time-varying excitation model 87
Time-varying signal 518
Timing-synchrony analysis 455 473
Tonotopic organization 275
Training 514
Training, aids for the deaf 42
Training, sequence 514
Training, utterances 707
Transform coders 118
Transform coding 100 101 104 119
Transform gain 117
Transition probability 511 543
Transitional features 727
Transitional information 713
Transmission bit error 368
Transmission errors 85
Transparent coding 101
Transversal filter 334
Trellis 522
Trigram 654 663 669
Trigram, cache 669
Trigram, language model 654 669 674 677 680
Trigram, model 635 665
Trigram, probabilities 656 668 675 678
Trigram, word frequencies 764
Triphone 632
Triphone, generalized 633
Triphone, modeling, cross-word 632
Two echo path models 339
Two-mass model of glottis 239
Unigram 654 663 670
Unigram, cache 669
Unigram, models 635
Unigram, probability distribution 670
Unit instantiation 773
| Units for speech synthesis 391
Unrestricted text 809 828
Unsupervised adaptation 616
Unsupervised methods 608
Unvoiced-to-voiced errors 36
Variable Bit Rate 156
Variable-length SQ 211
Variational method 528
Varying discourse domains 674
VCV 843
VCV, VC, and CV words 396
Vector excitation coding (VXC) 64
Vector excited coder 146
Vector predictive coding 63
Vector quantization (VQ) 49 210 488 493 505 627 713 715 718 720
Vector quantization (VQ) for nonlinear prediction 76
Vector quantization (VQ), based preprocessor 601
Vector quantization (VQ), based speaker identification 723
Vector quantization (VQ), based speaker recognition 717
Vector quantization (VQ), based speaker recognizer 730
Vector quantization (VQ), codebook 715 719 723 730 733
Vector quantization (VQ), entropy-constrained (ECVO) 55
Vector quantization (VQ), gain adaptive 56
Vector quantization (VQ), gain-shape (GSVQ) 58 67
Vector quantization (VQ), high resolution 55
Vector quantization (VQ), learning 627
Vector quantization (VQ), multistage (MSVQ) 59
Vector quantization (VQ), redundancy-free error protection codes for 79
Vector quantization (VQ), structurally constrained 58
Vector quantization (VQ), supervised 627
Vector quantization (VQ), tree-structured (TSVQ) 60
Vector quantization (VQ), versus HMM for noise suppression 322
Vector quantizer 51 718
Vector quantizer, design 541
Vector sum excitation 67
Vector sum excited linear prediction (VSELP) 67
Velum 233 702
Verb of saying 813
Verb phrases 765
Verification decision 705
Verification mode 705
Viterbi algorithm 489 516 531 540 548
Viterbi beam search 642 644
Viterbi net 583
Viterbi training 518
Vocabulary selection 672
Vocal apparatus 231
Vocal cords 702
Vocal fold vibration 4
Vocal fry 5 24 37
Vocal tract 233 702
Vocal tract, curvature of 236
Vocal tract, input impedance of 238
Vocal tract, input reflectance 244
Vocal tract, losses 237
Vocal tract, losses, variable 263
Vocal tract, nominal length of 251
Vocal tract, transfer function 238 244
Vocal tract, wall vibration 237
Vocal tract, wave motion in 235
Vocoder 87
Vocoder, systems 42
Vocoding 91
Voice, fluctuations of the 37
Voice, individuality 597
Voice, mail 97
Voice, onset time 778
Voice, pathology 42
Voice, source 703
Voice, source, analysis 3
Voiced-to-unvoiced error 33 36
Voiceless excitation 32
Voiceprint 705
Voicing agreement rules 761
Voicing determination 3
Voicing determination, algorithm (VDA) 32
Voicing determination, algorithm (VDA), evaluation of 36 41
Voicing determination, algorithm (VDA), pattern recognition 32 35
Voicing determination, algorithm (VDA), threshold analysis 32
Voicing determination, errors 36 41
Voicing errors 37 41
Voicing transition frequency 187
Voicing, degree of 32
Vowel quality 752
Wall Street Journal 797
Waveform coder 87
Wavelet theory 137
Weighted centroid 79
Weighted likelihood ratio (WLR) measure 373 421 431
Weighted nearest neighbor 79
Weighted spectral distortion (WSD) measure 372
Weighted squared error 53
Wideband audio 98
Wideband coding 109
Wideband speech 85 97 101
Wiener filter 312 317
Window function 119
Window length of interval histogram 463
Wireless access 94
Wireless access, channel 91
Word gating paradigm 403
Word n-grams 652
Word predictability 402
Word pronunciation 791
Word token ambiguities 801
Word-sense selection 803
Zero-crossing analysis 27
Zero-crossing detector 291
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