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Furui S., Sandhi M.M. (eds.) — Advances in Speech Signal Processing. Part II |
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Pitch 3 536 702 714
Pitch, adaptive Hamming window 169
Pitch, analysis, fractional-sample accuracy 91
Pitch, contour 42 702
Pitch, contour, smoothing 29
Pitch, defining 8
Pitch, determination 3
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA) 6
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), artificial neural networks 25
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), autocorrelation 12 16
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), center clipping 12
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), comb filter 14
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), evaluation of 36 41
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), harmonic pattern matching 14
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), maximum likelihood 14
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), short-term analysis 11
Pitch, determination algorithm (PDA), time-domain 11 23
Pitch, determination errors 30
Pitch, difference limen for 10
Pitch, errors 36
Pitch, frequency 270
Pitch, markers 24 40
Pitch, measurement 711
Pitch, perception, functional models of 14
Pitch, period 7
Pitch, place 270
Pitch, virtual 8
Polymorphemic words 759
Post-processor duration model 540
Postfiltering 94 156
Postprocessing 29
Pragmatics 744
Prediction gain 96
Prediction gain, ratio 56
Prediction, adaptive 142
Prediction, backward 152
Prediction, backward-adaptive 148
Prediction, forward adaptive 148
Predictive coding 141
Predictor, long-term 153 155 156
Predictor, nonlinear 76
Predictor, short-term 152 156
Preemphasis 727
Preference equivalent Q 365
Preference score 361
Prepositional phrases 763
Principal component analysis 537
Probabilistic descent algorithm 536
Probabilistic modeling 511
Probabilistic vector mapping 319
Probability space 517
Processing time 405
Program broadcasting 97
Progressive transmission 60
Pronominal reference 767
Pronunciation 751 818 822 824
Pronunciation of names 393
Pronunciation, Chinese word 793
Pronunciation, code 759
Pronunciation, modules 750
Pronunciation, word 792
Proper nouns 805
Prosodic cues 762
Prosodic parser 391
Prosody 536 762
Pruning 641
Pruning, hypotheses 638
Pseudo-Gray coding 79
psychoacoustics 112 116 130
Pulse code modulation (PCM) 87 91 94 99 101
Pulse code modulation (PCM), NICAM 100
Pulse code modulation (PCM), vector (VPCM) 56
Punctuation 750 791 797
Quality of speech analysis/syn thesis 381
Quality, assessment of coded speech 357
Quality, broadcast 358
Quality, communication 86 358
Quality, listening 359
Quality, network 86 89 93
Quality, overall 405
Quality, sending 359
Quality, speech 358
Quality, studio 136
Quality, subjective 360
Quality, synthetic 86 358
Quality, toll 109 358
Quality, transmission 359
Quality, transparent 136
Quantization 209
Quantization noise 100 104
Quantization noise, just-noticeable 101
Quantization procedures 153
Quantizer 51
Quantizer, rate of 51
Quantizer, resolution of 51
Quantizing distortion unit (QDU) 367
Radial basis functions 560
Rate of convergence 535
Rate-distortion performance 220
real-time performance 523
Recognition difficulty 660
Recognition error rate 526
Recurrent connections 563
Recurrent network 561 581 586
Recursive adaptation 69
Recursive least-squares (RLS), algorithm 340 343
Recursive least-squares (RLS), implementation 351
Recursive matching procedure 759
Reduced syllables 757
Redundancy control 101
Reflection coefficients 713
Regular pulse coder 150
Regular pulse excitation 93 153
Regular pulse excitation, coder 146
Relative frame energy 317
Repeated encoding 99
Residual coding 62
response times 405
Reynolds number 242
Rhyme 821
Rhyme, test 363
Rhythm 702
Risk minimization 536
RMS amplitude 795
Roman numerals 826
Root of a word 753
Root-power sum distance (RPS) 422
Round window membrane 270
Satellite communication 328
Scala tympani 269
Scalar quantization 209
Scaling algorithm 522
Search reduction 638
Search space reduction 637
Secure telephony 91
Segment codebook 721
Segment quantization (SQ) 74 210 715
Segment quantization (SQ), speaker adaptation in 222
Segment quantization (SQ), temporarily overlapping 216
Segment vocoder 220
Segmental characteristics 702
Segmental durations 772
Segmental evaluation 394
Segmental k-means algorithm 518 532 626
Segmental speech phenomena 711
Self-organized clustering 665
Semantic differential scales 404
Semantic processing 544
Semantic word classes 661
Semantics 744
| Semi-Markov chain 538
Semi-Markov model 540 543
Sentence verification task 401
Sentence-division algorithm 800
Set-partition design 541
Short-term memory (STM) 406
Short-Time Fourier Transform 311
SIFT algorithm 295
Signal bandwidth 89
Signal energy 536
Signal generation 791
Signal storage 105
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 101 371
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), equivalent 403
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), segmental 371
Simulated annealing 54
Simulated auditory nerve activity 460
Sine wave, amplitude 168
Sine wave, amplitude, coding 193
Sine wave, amplitude, envelope estimation 182
Sine wave, analysis window 170
Sine wave, cepstral model 181 193
Sine wave, cepstral transform coding 196
Sine wave, coders, performance of low rate 204
Sine wave, excitation 167
Sine wave, excitation, phase model 179
Sine wave, frame fill 201
Sine wave, frequency 169
Sine wave, harmonic frequency model 189
Sine wave, harmonic samples 169
Sine wave, harmonic zero phase model 204
Sine wave, onset time 179
Sine wave, parameter estimation 168
Sine wave, peak matching 173
Sine wave, performance results 177
Sine wave, phase 168
Sine wave, phase model performance 183
Sine wave, phase unwrapping 176
Sine wave, pitch estimation 189
Sine wave, positive slope overload 197
Sine wave, postfiltering 199
Sine wave, spectral warping 194
Sine wave, synthesis 173
Sine wave, voicing detection 191
Sine wave, voicing-dependent phase model 185
Sine wave, warping function 194
Sinus cavities 235
Sinusoidal components, birth and death of 173
Sinusoidal model 165
Sinusoidal representation 168
Slore-and-forward 97
Smoothed group delay spectrum distance (SGDS) 422 428 440
Source coding 110
Source coding, techniques 718
Source model 523
Source-tract interaction, nonlinear 231
Source/filter model 742 768
Source/filter production models 770
Spanish digits 795
Speaker adaptation 211 245 608
Speaker cluster selection method 609
Speaker differences, inter 706
Speaker differences, intra 706
Speaker identification 717 728 730
Speaker identity 702 743
Speaker models 706 732
Speaker normalization 608
Speaker recognition 89 706 711 713 718 723 727 729 732
Speaker recognition by human listeners 701
Speaker recognition, automatic 701 704
Speaker recognition, reference models for 707
Speaker recognition, text dependent 706 714 722 726
Speaker recognition, text independent 706 714 726
Speaker recognizability 86
Speaker verification 710 717 720 722
Speaker verification, text dependent 717
Speaker verification, text independent 706
Speaker verification, thresholds for 710
Speaker-dependent recognition 597
Speaker-independent recognition 488 494 598
Speaking rate 404
Speaking styles 702
Spectral distance (SD) measure 372
Spectral distances 212
Spectral estimation 95
Spectral flattening 16
Spectral matching measures 419
Spectral parameters 209
Spectral segment 211
Spectral subtraction 311
Spectral synthesis units 776
Spectral template 706
Spectrogram 706
Spectrogram reading 604
Spectrum distance measures 419
Speech acts 749
Speech coding 110 127
Speech coding, very low bit rate 209
Speech decoder log probability 661
Speech enhancement 309
Speech enhancement, unit 311
Speech pathologies 704
Speech processing hearing prostheses 42
Speech production, model 233 742
Speech production, model, coding based on 245
Speech production, physiological models of 231
Speech quality of text-to-speech synthesis-by-rule 387
Speech quality, measurement of 86
Speech recognition 419
Speech recognition, fundamental equation of 634
Speech spectrograms 701 705
Speech synthesis 833
Speech synthesis by rule 746
Speech synthesis from concept 748
Speech synthesis, model interpretation for 771
Speech synthesis, systems 744
Speech synthesis, temporal framework for 771
Speech synthesis, unit instantiation for 771
Speech technology evaluation 388
Speech transmission index 407
SPHINX system 605 610 642
SPICOS 642 645
Split method 601
Spreading function 114 115
Stack algorithm 539
Stack decoding 638
Stale sequence 512
Stammering 704
State duration models 538
State duration probabilities 538
State transition probability matrix 511 519
State-optimized likelihood 518 532
Stationary stochastic process 517
Statistical independence 542
Stereo coding 132
Stereo separation 104
Stereo wideband channels 99
Stochastic convergence 536
Stochastic gradient algorithm 334
Stochastic process 513
Stop consonants 778
Storage media 101
Stress 743 816
Stress, analysis 756
Stress, assignment 818
Stress, clause level 749
Stress, linguistic 775
Stress, patterns 817
Stress, phrase level 749
Stress, rule system 761
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