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Furui S., Sandhi M.M. (eds.) — Advances in Speech Signal Processing. Part II |
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Learning effect 400
Learning vector organization (LVQ) 556 560 563
Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm 334
Least squares (LS) algorithm 339
Left-to-right model 543
Letter to sound, conversion algorithm 752
Letter to sound, interior 821
Letter to sound, problem 746
Letter to sound, rule 749 755 818 821
Letter to sound, rule, errors 753
Level-crossing detectors 459
Lexical decision task 405
Lexical description 525
Lexical phonology 761 785
Lexical retrieval 749
Lexical stress 749 761
Lexical stress, contour 756
Lexicon 751
Likelihood function 531
Likelihood ratio (LR) 373
Likelihood ratio (LR), distance 249 257
Line spectral frequency (LSF) 74
Line spectral pairs 713
Line spectral parameters 209
Linear classifiers 535
Linear code 532
Linear gain predictor 96
Linear prediction 19
Linear prediction coding (LPC) 742
Linear prediction, residual 14
Linear predictive coding (LPC) 91 104 110 142 309 711 843
Linear predictive coding (LPC), analysis 424 834
Linear predictive coding (LPC), cepstrum 282
Linear predictive coding (LPC), cepstrum, distance 425 431
Linear predictive coding (LPC), coefficients 209
Linear predictive coding (LPC), derived cepstrum 713
Linear predictive coding (LPC), derived model spectra 712
Linear predictive coding (LPC), distance 110
Linear predictive coding (LPC), inverse filter 713
Linear predictive coding (LPC), model 712
Linear predictive coding (LPC), parameters 322
Linear predictive coding (LPC), spectral matching measure 425
Linear predictive coding (LPC), spectrum 627
Linear predictive coding (LPC), technique 843
Linear predictive coding (LPC), vocoder 209
Linear smoothing 30
Linguistic structure 747
List correction 29
Listening comprehension 406
Listening tests 134
LMS algorithm 343
Local parsing 764
Log area ratio 209 713
Log energy 537
Log likelihood ratio 712
Log probability 638
Lombard effect 311
Long term average features 727
Long term average spectrum 726
Long term sample statistics 707
Long term spectral averages 707
Long term statistics 714
Long-distance telephone connection 328
Long-term predictor 149
Longest match first procedure 755 758
Look-say method 746
Loudspeaker telephony 98
Low-delay (LD) 97
Low-delay (LD), CELP 91 96
Low-delay (LD), coding 100
Low-rate speech coding 165
LPC-16 403
LS algorithm 343
LSP 845
LVQ2 563
Markov chain 511 517 542
Masking 112
Masking, noise 398
Masking, threshold 116 123 128
Massive parallelism 556
Matrix quantization (MQ) 74 210 715 733
Matrix quantization (MQ), codebook 719
Matrix quantizer 718
Maximum a posteriori estimation 312
Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) 516 659
Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP), estimation with hidden Markov modeling 317
Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP), parameter estimation 312
Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP), versus MMSE for noise suppression 322
Maximum likelihood 514 523 526 528 530 540
Maximum likelihood, conditional 527 529 535
Maximum likelihood, criterion 518 654
Maximum likelihood, estimation 312 533
Maximum likelihood, method 834
Maximum likelihood, ratio measure 425
Maximum mutual information 527 529 535
Maximum mutual information, estimation (MMIE) 631
Maximum mutual information, method 599
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) 86 91 92 99 101 134 135 159 360 405
Mean squared error 53
Measurement inaccuracies 37
Median smoothing 30
Mel-frequency spectrum 627
Mel-scale 444
Memory load 405
Meta-Pi architecture 567
Microphone arrays 104
Minimax criterion 717
Minimum Bayes risk 534
Minimum classification error 524 534
Minimum discrimination information 533
Minimum distortion algorithm 225
Minimum distortion rule 211
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) 313
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) with Hidden Markov Modeling 318
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) with vector quantization on filter bank data 320
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE), trained from speech 314
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE), using Gaussian models 314
Minimum mean square estimation (MMSE), using two states 313
Misalignment vector 336
Misclassification problem 535
Misclassification rate 524
Mispronunciation 829
Missing-cell recovery 379
MITalk 391 818
Mixed excitation 32
Mixed excitation, source 35
Mixing condition 337
Mixture of Gaussian densities 722
Mixture weights 722
Mobile satellite communication (MSAT) 91
Modal elements of language 766
Modality effects 775
Model clustering and splitting 540
Model merging 542
Model mismatch 526 534
Model topology 519
Modeling the excitation 239
Modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT) 120
Modified rhyme test (mrt) 363 397
Modiolar monopolar electrodes 272
Modular incremental training 565
Modulated noise reference unit (MNRU) 365
Modulated noise reference unit (MNRU), narrow-band 365
Modulated noise reference unit (MNRU), wide-band 365
Monomorphemic root 755
Morph 748 753 758
Morph, analysis 754
Morph, covering 754
Morph, type code 759
Morpheme 743 752
| Morphological analysis 749 818
Morphology 744 820
Morphophonemic rules 749 756 761
Morphophonemics 744
Most likely state sequence 515
Multi-lingual ITS 783
Multilayer perceptron (MLP) 556 580
Multilingual speech input/output, assessment, methodology, and standardization (SAM) 388
Multilingual systems 745
Multimedia 101
Multiple codebooks 630
Multiple pronunciations 633
Multiple-choice test questions 406
Multiple-template method 600
Multiplicative connections 568
Multipulse coder 150
Multipulse excitation 93 153
Multipulse excitation, coder 145
Multivox 391
MUSIC 89 99
Musical noise 316
Mutual information 662
Mutual information, average 652
N-best search 646
N-gram 667
n-Gram, model 665
n-Gram, modeling 665
Names 819
Naming latency 406
Narrowband coding 109
Nasal cavities 702
Nasal tract 235 244
Naturalness 86 89 360 404 756 778
Naturalness of synthesized speech 785
Near transparent coding 86
Near-miss 535
Nearest Neighbor rule 53 541 716
NETgram 586
Neural network 246 606 614
Neural network for noise suppression 322
Neural network, dynamic (DNN) 573
Neural network, full-word models of 571
Neural network, hidden control 574
Neural network, hidden layer of 494
Neural network, input layer of 494
Neural network, learning algorithms of 556
Neural network, linked predictive (LPNN) 581
Neural network, model 488
Neural network, phonemic level 558
Neural network, predictive 574
Neural network, scaling of 565
Neural network, shift invariant 560
Neural network, time-delay (TDNN) 494 561
Neural prediction model (NPM) 502 574
Neural prediction model (NPM), learning procedure for 504
Neural tuning curves 459
Noise masking 105
Noise shaping 96 104 110 147
Noise suppression with pattern matching 309
Noise suppression, microphone selection for 310
Noise suppression, using sine wave analysis-synthesis 321
Noise Threshold 101 104
Noise-canceling systems 104
Non-linear classification 559
Non-linear modeling 556
Nonlinear distortion 27
Nonlinear phonology 767
Nonlinear predictors 581
Nonuniform step size 343
Normalized LMS (NLMS) algorithm 338 351
Noun phrases 765
Nuclear stress 766
Numerical scaling 522
Numerical singularity 522
Objective measurement 368
Objective quality, assessment of coded speech 368
Objective quality, evaluation 407
Objective quality, measures 368
Observation density 543
Observation distribution 519
Observation distribution form of the 526
Observation probability measures 513
Observation space 521
Offline methods 608
OMF fillers 117 122 129 137
OMF fillers, generalized 117
Online methods 608
Open loop analysis 149
Open response 395
Opinion equivalent Q 365
Opinion rating 360
Optimal decoding 523
Optimal nonlinear interpolation 76
Optimal state sequence 516
Optimization 245 247 250 263
Orthographic form 741
Overall energy 703 711 714
Overlapping block transform (OBT) 120
Packet network 94
Packetized speech 94
Paired comparison 361 404
Palatalization 761
Palate 702
Parallel distributed processing 556
Parameter estimation 523
Parameter smoothing 522
Parsing 749 760 809 817
Parsing, networks 589
Part of speech (POS) 663 668 678 760 804
Part of speech (POS), ambiguity 802
Part of speech (POS), assignment 817
Part of speech (POS), codes 763
Part of speech (POS), nuclear (NPOS) 664
Partial observation sequence 547
Partition 52
Passive transformation 766
Pattern-matching paradigm 516
Perceptual coders 109
Perceptual coding 115 123
Perceptual quality of synthesized speech 784
Perceptual transform coders 131
Perplexity 523 652 658 665
Phase equalization 847
Phase interpolation 176
Phase unwrapping 174
Phone-like units (PLU) 722 733
Phonematized dictionary 392
Phoneme 770
Phoneme, distance 397
Phoneme, intelligibility 394
Phonemic synthesis 746
Phones 702
Phonetic balance (PB) 363
Phonetic context 848
Phonetic interpretation 791 792
Phonetic segment 743
Phonetic transcription 744
Phonetic transcription, narrow 743
Phonetically-balanced sentences 400
Phonic method 746
Phonological formalism 783
Phonological representation, linear 746
Phonological rules 782
Phonological units 780
Phonotactic constraints 396
Phonotopic maps 560
Phrasal constituents 765
Phrase level parsing 765
Piece-wise linear mapping 223
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