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Название: Boeing B-29 Superfortress. Volume 14
Автор: Bowers P.
.he B-29 Superfortress, Boe.
ing Model 345, can truly be
... called the miracle aircraft
of World War II. No other major
combat model, regardless of size,
had as short an interval between
first flight and first appearance over
enemy territory - 20 months. Once
the design was completed and
ordered into production, new factories
were built. The first of the three
. prototypes flew on 21 September
1942. To accomplish this feat, the
world's greatest subcontracting
network was established to provide
materials, equipment, and subassemblies.
A massive civilian network
and military-training program
were developed at the same time.
have the long-range, heavy- which the Air Corps assigned the
bomber field to itself. The Boeing experimental designations XB-29
Aircraft Company of Seattle, Wash- through XB-32 for further study.
ington, had tried unsuccessfully for
several years to sell the u.s. Army After the proposals were evaluated
Air Corps on new and advanced at the Air Corps' technical center at
bomber designs. The Air Corps Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, two of
(U.s. Army Air Forces after 20 June the designs were eliminated. In
1941) realized the need for such a August 1940, Boeing with the
design at the outbreak of war in XB-29, and Consolidated Aircraft
Europe. The Air Corps called on the Corp. of San Diego, California, with
u.s. aircraft industry, on 29 January the XB-32, were awarded contracts
1940, to submit proposals for a for two prototype aircraft each
heavy bomber with a top speed of (later th reeL plus 14 service test
400 mph, a range of 5,333 statute and 250 production models. This
miles, capable of delivering a one- was in keeping with the Air Corps'
ton bomb load at the half-way policy of having two sources for a
point. Boeing and three other man- new design in case the first choice
ufacturers submitted proposals, to did not live up to expectations.