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Cox I., Miller M., Bloom J. — Digital Watermarking
Cox I., Miller M., Bloom J. — Digital Watermarking

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Название: Digital Watermarking

Авторы: Cox I., Miller M., Bloom J.


Digital watermarking is a key ingredient to copyright protection. It provides a solution to illegal copying of digital material and has many other useful applications such as broadcast monitoring and the recording of electronic transactions. Now, for the first time, there is a book that focuses exclusively on this exciting technology. Digital Watermarking covers the crucial research findings in the field: it explains the principles underlying digital watermarking technologies, describes the requirements that have given rise to them, and discusses the diverse ends to which these technologies are being applied. As a result, additional groundwork is laid for future developments in this field, helping the reader understand and anticipate new approaches and applications. * Emphasizes the underlying watermarking principles that are relevant for all media: images, video, and audio. * Discusses a wide variety of applications, theoretical principles, detection and embedding concepts and the key properties of digital watermarks — robustness, fidelity, data payload, and security * Examines copyright protection and many other applications, including broadcast monitoring, transaction tracking, authentication, copy control, and device control. * Presents a series of detailed examples called "Investigations" that illustrate key watermarking concepts and practices. * Includes an appendix in the book and on the web containing the source code for the examples. * Includes a comprehensive glossary of watermarking terminology

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 569

Добавлена в каталог: 04.03.2018

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