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Название: Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory (IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory)
Автор: Dudley D.
This book is written for the serious student of electromagnetic theory. It is a principal product of my experience over the past 25 years interacting
with graduate students in electromagnetics and applied mathematics at thc
University of Arizona.
A large volume of literature has appeared since the latter days of
World War n. written by researchers expanding the basic principles of
electromagnetic theory and applying the electromagnctic model to many
important practical problems. In spite of widespread and continuing in-
tcrest in electromagnetics. the underlying mathematical principles used
frecly throughout graduate electromagnetic texts have not been systemati-
cally presented in the tcxts as preambles. This is in contrast to the situation
regarding undergraduate electromagnetic texts, most of which contain pre-
liminary treatments of fundamental applied mathematical principles, such
as vector analysis. complex arithmetic, and phasors. It is my belief that
there should be a graduate electromagnetic theory text with linear spaccs,
Green's functions, and spectral expansions as mathematical cornerstones.
Such a tcxt should allow the reader access to the mathematics and the elec-
tromagnetic applications without the necessity for consulting a widc range
of mathcmatical books written at a variety of levels. This book is an effort
to bring the power of the mathcmatics to bear on electromagnetic problems
in a single text.