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Sidharth B. — The Universe of Fluctuations, The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe
Sidharth B. — The Universe of Fluctuations, The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe

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Название: The Universe of Fluctuations, The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe

Автор: Sidharth B.


The Universe of Fluctuations: The Architecture of Spacetime and the Universe is a path-breaking work which proposes solutions to the impasse and crisis facing fundamental physics and cosmology. It describes a cosmological model based on fuzzy spacetime that has correctly predicted a dark-energy-driven acceleration of our expanding universe - with a small cosmological constant - at a time when the popular belief was quite the contrary. It describes how the Universe is made up of an underpinning of Planck oscillators in a Quantum Vacuum. This leads to, amongst other things, a characterization of gravitation as being distributional over the entire Universe, thereby providing an answer to a puzzle brought to light by Weinberg years ago and since overlooked. There is also a simple formula for the mass spectrum of all known elementary particles, based on QCD dynamics. Many other interesting ramifications and experimental tests for the future are also discussed. This apart, there is a brief survey of some of the existing theories. The book is accessible to junior and senior researchers in High Energy Physics and Cosmology as well as the serious graduate student in Physics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 193

Добавлена в каталог: 18.02.2018

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