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Название: Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Volume 31
Авторы: Bockris J., White R., Conway B.
Prof. Jerzy Sobkowski starts off this 31st volume of Modern Aspects of
Electrochemistry with a far-ranging discussion of experimental results
from the past 10 years of interfacial studies. It forms a good background
for the two succeeding chapters.
The second chapter is by S. U. M. Khan on quantum mechanical
treatment of electrode processes. Dr. Khan’s experience in this area is a
good basis for this chapter, the contents of which will surprise some, but
which as been well refereed.
Molecular dynamic simulation is now a much-used technique in
physical electrochemistry and in the third chapter Ilan Benjamin has
written an account that brings together information from many recent
publications, sometimes confirming earlier modeling approaches and
sometimes breaking new territory.
In Chapter 4, Akiko Aramata’s experience in researching single
crystals is put to good advantage in her authoritative article on underpotential
Finally, in Chapter 5, the applied side of electrochemistry is served
by Bech-Neilsen et al. in the review of recent techniques for automated
measurement of corrosion.