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0 — Science, Technology and Industry Outlook Drivers of Growth: Information Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2001 Edition Online access for SH
0 — Science, Technology and Industry Outlook Drivers of Growth: Information Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2001 Edition Online access for SH

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Название: Science, Technology and Industry Outlook Drivers of Growth: Information Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2001 Edition Online access for SH

Автор: 0


This special edition of the Science, Technology and Industry Outlook has further advanced on the
extensive analysis undertaken by the Committees and Working Parties of the DSTI in connection with
their work over the last years on the horizontal OECD project “New Determinants of Economic Growth”.
It synthesises, and examines in greater depth, key findings in the areas of ICT, innovation and
entrepreneurship, both as regards new analytical findings on their relationship to economic
performance and on the policy implications. A major feature of the latter is the discussion on which
policy messages should be taken at national level and which require international co-operation.
The effort to undertake this work was initiated by Risaburo Nezu, former Director of Science,
Technology and Industry at the OECD. Thomas Andersson, Deputy Director, co-ordinated the work and
served as general editor. The individual parts were developed by Graham Vickery and Sam Paltridge
(ICT), Jean Guinet and Jerry Sheehan (innovation) and Frank Lee (entrepreneurship). Peter Avery,
Benedicte Callan, Mario Cervantes, Alessandra Colecchia, John Dryden, Michael Freudenberg,
Dominique Guellec, Vladimir Lopez, Daniel Malkin, Dirk Pilat, Candice Stevens and Andy Wyckoff also
made valuable contributions to the report, and useful input was provided by many other colleagues in
STI. Constructive comments which improved the document were made by the Directorate for Financial,
Fiscal and Enterprise Affairs. Finally, the oustanding support, active contributions and comments made
by the delegates of the STI committees, CIBE, CSTP and ICCP, and their working parties, have been
invaluable to the work.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 126

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2017

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