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Owen D.R.J., Fawkes A.J. — Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Numerical Methods and Applications |
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Aamodt, B. 95
Abbey, A. 235
Abel, J.F. 95
Ahmad, S. 95 120
Airey stress function 8
Akin, J.E. 56
Analytic element coding 132 236
Analytic elements 47 53 121
Analytical solutions 7 122
Anderegg, F.O. 16
Anderson, G.P. 148
Andersson, H. 214
Angular plates 13
Apostal, M. 56 57 137
Assessment of element performance 49
Associated plasticity 153
Atluri, S.N. 148 214
Axial crack in a pipe 135
Bamford, W.H. 34
Barr, B.I.G. 235
Barsom, J.M. 34
Barsoum, R.S. 56 120
Bathe, K.J. 95
Becker, E. 57
Begley, J.A. 214
Benzley, S.E. 56 57
Bilby, B.A. 35
Blackburn, W.S. 56
Bleackley, M.H. 214
Body force vector 60
Boundary collocation method 52
boundary conditions 97
Boundary integral method 15 48 138 144
Boundary integrated hybrid element 140
Boundary tractions 60
Bowie, O.L. 16
Bradford, R. 235
Brebbia, C.A. 57 147
Brown, W.F. 34 57 235
Buchalet, C.B. 34
Buechner, H.F. 35
Burdekin, F.M. 35
Campbell, J.S. 57 235
Cartesian shape function derivatives 65
Cartwright, D.J. 34 137 235
Castigliano solution 226
Centre-crack in a finite plate 20 115 203 218
Centre-crack in an infinite plate 3 20
Chan, S.K. 56
Charpy value 19
Chell, G.G. 34 35
Circular hole, crack emanating from 220
Compact tension elasto-plastic problem 207
Compact tension elasto-plastic problem, J-integral variation 211 212
Compact tension elasto-plastic problem, Load-displacement results 210
Compact tension elasto-plastic problem, Material properties 209
Compatibility equation 8
Complex variables 8
Computer codes, user instructions, JUPITER 262
Computer codes, user instructions, LINKPAK 256
Computer codes, user instructions, SINGEL 267
Constitutive matrix, D 60 62
Control parameter, NKTYP 98 170
Convergence criterion 174
Cook, T.S. 56
Coordinate transformation 127
Corten, H.T. 214
Cottrell, A.H. 35
Crack opening displacement (COD) 27 186
Crack resistance force 4
Crack tip singularity modelling 37 96 121
Crack tip stress field 6
Crack tip stress singularity 12
Cracks in a cylinder 21
Cruse, T.A. 147 148
Data input subroutines, Elasto-plastic situations 169
Data input subroutines, LEFM problems 97
Dawes, M.G. 35
Debonding behaviour 220
Deformation theory of plasticity 187
Dented pipe problem 224
Desai, C.S. 95
Dirac delta function 145
Displacement extrapolation 43 96 102 115
Distributed edge loading 83
Dominquez, J. 147
Dowling, A.R. 35
Duffy, A.R. 34
Dugdale, D.S. 35
Dunham, R.S. 57
Dynamic dimensioning 113 181
Edge functions 138 146
Edge-crack in a finite plate 215
Edge-crack in an infinite plate 20
Edge-crack plate bend specimen 21
Effective crack length 27
Effective stress 152
Eiber, R.J. 34
Elasto-plastic constitutive matrix, 154 163
Elasto-plastic tangent modulus 154
Elasto-plasticity 15 149
Elliott, D. 34
Elliptic cracks 34
Elliptic hole in a plate 2
Energy conservation 3
Energy functional 122 139
Epoxy resin example 228
Equilibrium equations 8
Equivalent stress 152
Error diagnostic subroutines 90 91 134 181
Euler equations 139 141
Evans, W.T. 235
Exact field modelling 121
Extrapolation procedures 36 43 96 102 115
Fatigue crack growth 18 25
Fawkes, A.J. 57 120 137
Finite element theory 58
Fitzgerald, J.E. 148
Fix, G.J. 95
Fleming, J.F. 148
Flow rule 153
Flow stress 32
Flow vector 154 161
Folias, E.S. 34
Fracture stress 29
Fracture toughness 1 6
Freese, C.E. 16
Frontal equation solution 74 180
Gallagher, R.K. 56 95
Gauss' theorem 141
Gaussian quadrature 66 124 195
Generalised stress 152
Goncalves, F°., O.J.A. 95
Goodier, J.N. 95
Goursat functions 9
Gravity loading 82
Green's function method 22 30 216
Griffiths, A.A. 16
Gurney, C. 235
Guydish, J.J. 148
Harrison, R.R. 35
Hayes, D.J. 214
Heliot, J. 35 148
Hellen, T.K. 56 57 120
Hellinger — Reissner principle 49 140
Hencky, H.Z. 213
Henshell, R.D. 56 120
Hibbitt, H.D. 56
Hill, R. 185
Hinton, E. 57 95 185
| Historical development 2
Hodge, P.G. 185
Hoffman, O. 185
Hudson, C.M. 35
Huebner, K.H. 95
Hunt, J. 235
Hussain, M.A. 56
Hutchinson, J.W. 213
Hybrid method 48 55 138 144
Iida, S. 56
Inglis, C.E. 16
Initial stiffness algorithm 157
Interpretation of finite element results 36
Irons, B.M. 57 95 120 147
Irwin, G.R. 16 35 213
Isoparametric finite elements 62
Isoparametric finite elements, Consistent load vector evaluation 66 82
Isoparametric finite elements, Governing equations 62
Isoparametric finite elements, Stiffness matrix evaluation 66 81
Isotropic hardening 152
J-integral 7 37 45 96 104 119 186
J-integral evaluation, a more flexible approach 193 196
J-integral in elasto-plastic fracture 187
J-integral, numerical evaluation 107 189 190 196
Jacobian matrix 39 63
Jerram, K. 57
Jordan, S. 56
Kanninen, M.F. 35
Kfouri, A.P. 213
Kiefner, J.B. 34
Knott, J.F. 34
Kobayashi, A. 56
Krishna Murty, A. 57 137
Kronecker delta 145
Labbens, R. 35 148
Lagrange multiplier 139
Landes, J.D. 214
Lasry, S.J. 147
Liebowitz, H. 16 57
Ligament depth effect 231
Light, M.F. 213
Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) 15 18 36 96 121
Load factors 175
Load incrementation 175
Loeber, J.F. 16
Loosemore, K. 35
Lorensen, W.E. 56
Luk, C.H. 57 147
Luxmoore, A.R. 57 120 137 213 214
Maiden, D. 56
Main or master segment, Elasto-plastic fracture problems 201
Main or master segment, Elasto-plastic problems 178
Main or master segment, LEFM problems 111
Marcal, P.V. 56
Masay, W.A. 34
Matching element 128
Material properties 97 170
Merkle, J.G. 213 214
Mesh topology data 97
Milne, I. 35
Mixed formulation 48 122
Mixed mode fracture 14 33 53 133
Morley, L.S.D. 57
Munro, G. 35
Muskhelishvili, N.I. 16
Nakagaki, M. 214
Nayak, G.C. 185
Neal, D.M. 16
Newman 235
Nil-ductility temperature 19
Non-destructive testing 17
Nonlinear solution algorithm 156 174
Normality condition 153
Numerical examples, Analytic element 133
Numerical examples, Elasto-plastic fracture problems 200
Numerical examples, Elasto-plastic problems 184
Numerical examples, LEFM problems 115
Numerical integration 66 109 124 195
Numerical integration testing 127
O'Callaghan, M.J. 148
Oden, J.T. 95
Opening mode, I 5
Orowan, E. 16 213
Output control parameters 176
Owen, D.R.J. 57 95 120 137 185
Paris, P.C. 213
Parks, D.M. 56
Path independence of J 45
Pearson, K. 16
Pellissier-Tanon, A. 35 148
Penalty functions 218
Pentz, J.R. 148
Perforated elasto-plastic tension strip 184
Pian, T.H.H. 56 57 147
Plane strain 3 6 41 60
Plane stress 3 6 41 59
Plane theory of elasticity 8
Plastic blunting 27
Plastic collapse 29
Plastic crack tip zone 26
Plastic potential 153
Plastic zone correction 26
Plasticity theory 149
Point loading 82
Post yield fracture mechanics (PYFM) 26 187
Prager, W. 185
Pressurised elasto-plastic cylinder 184
Principal stresses 87
Program modifications, elasto-plastic situation 200
Program organisation, Elasto-plastic problems 159
Program organisation, LEFM problems 68
Pu, S.L. 56
Quinlan, P.M. 148
R6 method 29
Raju, I. 57 137
Rao, A.K. 57 137
Residual forces 156
Residual stresses 19 25
Rice, J.R. 16 56 213
Rigid body modes 123
Rolfe, S.T. 34
Rooke, D.D. 34 137 235
Rosengren, G.F. 213
Runnion, C.E. 148
Rybicki, E. 56
Sachs, G. 185
Sample input data, Analytic element example 281
Sample input data, Elasto-plastic example 290
Sample input data, LEFM example 272
Sample lineprinter output, Analytic element example 282
Sample lineprinter output, Elasto-plastic example 291
Sample lineprinter output, LEFM example 273
Secondary stresses 26 31 215
Segerlind, L.J. 95
Semi-infinite plane, crack in a 13
Serendipity elements 58
Seward, S.K. 35
Shaw, K.G. 56 120
Shearing mode, II 5
Sih, G.C. 16
Simon, B. 56
Singularity elements 37
Singularity elements, Higher-order versions 40 42
Singularity elements, Quadratic isoparametric 38
Singularity elements, Triangular version 40
Skew-symmetric term 13
Sneddon, I.N. 16
Snyder, M.D. 148
Somigliana line integral 47
Soni, M. 57
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