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Kharton V. — Solid State Electrochemistry I: Fundamentals, Materials and their Applications
Kharton V. — Solid State Electrochemistry I: Fundamentals, Materials and their Applications

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Название: Solid State Electrochemistry I: Fundamentals, Materials and their Applications

Автор: Kharton V.


The only comprehensive handbook on this important and rapidly developing topic combines fundamental information with a brief overview of recent advances in solid state electrochemistry, primarily targeting specialists working in this scientific field.
Particular attention is focused on the most important developments performed during the last decade, methodological and theoretical aspects of solid state electrochemistry, as well as practical applications. The highly experienced editor has included chapters with critical reviews of theoretical approaches, experimental methods and modeling techniques, providing definitions and explaining relevant terminology as necessary. Several other chapters cover all the key groups of the ion-conducting solids important for practice, namely cationic, protonic, oxygen-anionic and mixed conductors, but also conducting polymer and hybrid materials. Finally, the whole is rounded off by brief surveys of advances in the fields of fuel cells, solid-state batteries, electrochemical sensors, and other applications of ion-conducting solids.
Due to the very interdisciplinary nature of this topic, this is of great interest to material scientists, polymer chemists, physicists, and industrial scientists, too.Content:
Chapter 1 Fundamentals, Applications, and Perspectives of Solid?State Electrochemistry: A Synopsis (pages 1–13): Joachim Maier
Chapter 2 Superionic Materials: Structural Aspects (pages 15–41): Stephen Hull
Chapter 3 Defect Equilibria in Solids and Related Properties: An Introduction (pages 43–78): Vladimir A. Cherepanov, Alexander N. Petrov, Andrey Yu. Zuev and Prof. Dr. Vladislav Kharton
Chapter 4 Ion?Conducting Nanocrystals: Theory, Methods, and Applications (pages 79–132): Alan V. Chadwick and Shelley L. P. Savin
Chapter 5 The Fundamentals and Advances of Solid?State Electrochemistry: Intercalation (Insertion) and Deintercalation (Extraction) in Solid?State Electrodes (pages 133–177): Sung?Woo Kim, Seung?Bok Lee and Su?Il Pyun
Chapter 6 Solid?State Electrochemical Reactions of Electroactive Microparticles and Nanoparticles in a Liquid Electrolyte Environment (pages 179–226): Michael Hermes and Fritz Scholz
Chapter 7 Alkali Metal Cation and Proton Conductors: Relationships between Composition, Crystal Structure, and Properties (pages 227–278): Maxim Avdeev, Vladimir B. Nalbandyan and Igor L. Shukaev
Chapter 8 Conducting Solids: In the Search for Multivalent Cation Transport (pages 279–300):
Chapter 9 Oxygen Ion?Conducting Materials (pages 301–334): Vladislav V. Kharton, Fernando M. B. Marques, John A. Kilner and Alan Atkinson
Chapter 10 Polymer and Hybrid Materials: Electrochemistry and Applications (pages 335–363): Danmin Xing and Baolian Yi
Chapter 11 Electrochemistry of Electronically Conducting Polymers (pages 365–396): Mikhael Levi and Doron Aurbach
Chapter 12 High?Temperature Applications of Solid Electrolytes: Fuel Cells, Pumping, and Conversion (pages 397–426): Jacques Fouletier and Veronique Ghetta
Chapter 13 Electrochemical Sensors: Fundamentals, Key Materials, and Applications (pages 427–491): Jeffrey W. Fergus

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 521

Добавлена в каталог: 05.11.2017

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