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Charalambous G. — Handbook of Food and Beverage Stability
Charalambous G. — Handbook of Food and Beverage Stability

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Название: Handbook of Food and Beverage Stability

Автор: Charalambous G.


FROM THE PREFACE: Fortunately, chemistry — the root of all life processes — is becoming better understood and more accessible. A strong synergism between the chemical, agricultural, and related sciences is highly desirable. This handbook attempts to provide in easily accessible detail up-to-date information relevant to the stability of foods and beverages. Highly qualified scientists have compiled an extraordinary amount of data on the chemical, biochemical, and microbiological stability, along with sensory aspects, of selected foods and beverages. These data have been distilled and are presented mostly in tabular form, with a minimum of commentary whenever possible.****A total of 17 chapters (10 on food, 7 on beverages) by renowned experts in their particular fields from the United States, Europe, and Japan present a wealth of food and beverage stability information in handbook format. In particular, the chapters on fish and shellfish, cheese, and meat are remarkable in presenting data not readily available in an easily digestible form.****This handbook, encompassing as it does aging, shelf life, and stability — in short, the knowledge necessary to ensure preservation of our food supply — should help to bring about the above-mentioned synergism between chemical, agricultural, and related sciences. It is expected to fill a need, especially through the convenience of its tabular presentations.

A valuable reference book containing useful information for food scienctists and technologists. As the application of science to world food supply needs becomes increasingly important, there is a greater need for improved stability and shelf life of foods and beverages. This handbook distills a great amount of information on all aspects of food and beverage stability into easily accessible, uncluttered tabular form.**A wealth of carefully selected, up-to-date information is compiled on a wide variety of foods and beverages, including:**meat and meat products**fish and shellfish**dairy products**fruits, legumes, and vegetables**bakery goods and more.**Expert researchers in the field present new information, unpublished results, and previously hard-to-find references. All food scientists and technologists will want a copy of this handbook within easy reach in the laboratory.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1986

Количество страниц: 833

Добавлена в каталог: 04.11.2017

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