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Vaseashta A., Khudaverdyan S. — Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security
Vaseashta A., Khudaverdyan S. — Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security

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Название: Advanced Sensors for Safety and Security

Авторы: Vaseashta A., Khudaverdyan S.


This book results from a NATO Advanced Research Workshop titled “Technological Innovations in CBRNE Sensing and Detection for Safety, Security, and Sustainability” held in Yerevan, Armenia in 2012. The objective was to discuss and exchange views as to how fusion of advanced technologies can lead to improved sensors/detectors in support of defense, security, and situational awareness. The chapters range from policy and implementation, advanced sensor platforms using stand-off (THz and optical) and point-contact methods for detection of chemical, nuclear, biological, nuclear and explosive agents and contaminants in water, to synthesis methods for several materials used for sensors. In view of asymmetric, kinetic, and distributed nature of threat vectors, an emphasis is placed to examine new generation of sensors/detectors that utilize an ecosystems of innovation and advanced sciences convergence in support of effective counter-measures against CBRNE threats. The book will be of considerable interest and value to those already pursuing or considering careers in the field of nanostructured materials, and sensing/detection of CBRNE agents and water-borne contaminants. For policy implementation and compliance standpoint, the book serves as a resource of several informative contributions. In general, it serves as a valuable source of information for those interested in how nanomaterials and nanotechnologies are advancing the field of sensing and detection using nexus of advanced technologies for scientists, technologists, policy makers, and soldiers and commanders.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2013

Количество страниц: 375

Добавлена в каталог: 04.11.2017

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