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Smirnov B. — Principles of Statistical Physics: Distributions, Structures, Phenomena, Kinetics of Atomic Systems
Smirnov B. — Principles of Statistical Physics: Distributions, Structures, Phenomena, Kinetics of Atomic Systems

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Название: Principles of Statistical Physics: Distributions, Structures, Phenomena, Kinetics of Atomic Systems

Автор: Smirnov B.


Written for graduate or advanced students as well as for professionals in physics and chemistry, this book includes the fundamental concepts of statistical physics and physical kinetics. These concepts relate to a wide range of physical objects, such as liquids and solids, gases and plasmas, clusters and systems of complex molecules. The book analyzes various structures of many-particle systems, such as crystal structures, lamellar structures, fractal aggregates and fractal structures, while comparing different methods of description for certain systems and phenomena.
Developed from a lecture course on statistical physics and kinetic theory of various atomic systems, the text provides a maximum number of concepts in the simplest way, based on simple problems and using various methods.

Chapter 1 Introduction (pages 1–3):
Chapter 2 Basic Distributions in Systems of Particles (pages 5–25):
Chapter 3 Bose–Einstein Distribution (pages 27–55):
Chapter 4 Fermi–Dirac Distribution (pages 57–73):
Chapter 5 Equilibria Between States of Discrete and Continuous Spectra (pages 75–87):
Chapter 6 Thermodynamic Values and Thermodynamic Equilibria (pages 89–106):
Chapter 7 Equilibrium State of Atomic Systems (pages 107–126):
Chapter 8 Thermodynamics of Aggregate States and Phase Transitions (pages 127–148):
Chapter 9 Mixtures and Solutions (pages 149–167):
Chapter 10 Phase Transition in Condensed Systems of Atoms (pages 169–186):
Chapter 11 Collision Processes Involving Atomic Particles (pages 187–207):
Chapter 12 Kinetic Equation and Collision Integrals (pages 209–228):
Chapter 13 Non?equilibrium Objects and Phenomena (pages 229–248):
Chapter 14 General Principles of Transport Phenomena (pages 249–269):
Chapter 15 Transport of Electrons in Gases (pages 271–281):
Chapter 16 Transport of Electrons in Condensed Systems (pages 283–299):
Chapter 17 Transport of Ions and Clusters (pages 301–314):
Chapter 18 Peculiarities of Cluster Structures (pages 315–340):
Chapter 19 Structures of Bonded Large Molecules (pages 341–356):
Chapter 20 Fractal Systems (pages 357–373):
Chapter 21 Character of Nucleation in Gases and Plasma (pages 375–390):
Chapter 22 Processes of Cluster Growth (pages 391–405):
Chapter 23 Cluster Growth in Expanding Gases and Plasmas (pages 407–423):
Chapter 24 Conclusions (page 425):

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 474

Добавлена в каталог: 14.10.2017

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