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Carless D., Douglas K. — Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health
Carless D., Douglas K. — Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health

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Название: Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health

Авторы: Carless D., Douglas K.


With approximately 1 in 6 adults likely to experience a significant mental health problem at any one time (Office for National Statistics), research into effective interventions has never been more important. During the past decade there has been an increasing interest in the role that sport and physical activity can play in the treatment of mental health problems, and in mental health promotion. The benefits resulting from physiological changes during exercise are well documented, including improvement in mood and control of anxiety and depression. Research also suggests that socio-cultural and psychological changes arising from engagement in sport and physical activity carry valuable mental health benefits.

Sport and Physical Activity for Mental Health is an evidence-based practical guide for nurses, allied health professionals, social workers, physical activity leaders, and sport coaches. The authors provide comprehensive analysis of a broad range of client narratives, integrating theory and the latest research to explore the effectiveness of various interventions. The book offers readers detailed recommendations, suggestions, and ideas as to how sport and physical activity opportunities can be tailored to provide the greatest mental health benefits.Content:
Chapter 1 A Background to Mental Health and Physical Activity (pages 5–18):
Chapter 2 A Narrative Approach to Mental Health Research (pages 19–34):
Chapter 3 Personal Stories of Sport, Physical Activity and Mental Health (pages 35–50):
Chapter 4 Rebuilding Identity Through Sport and Physical Activity (pages 51–60):
Chapter 5 Action, Achievement and Relationships (pages 61–72):
Chapter 6 Physical Activity as a Stepping Stone in Recovery (pages 73–85):
Chapter 7 The Culture of Physical Activity and Sport (pages 87–99):
Chapter 8 Women in Sport and Physical Activity (pages 100–107):
Chapter 9 Social Support for Participation (pages 108–118):
Chapter 10 Practitioner Perspectives (pages 119–138):
Chapter 11 A Story from Practice (pages 139–160):
Chapter 12 Looking to the Future (pages 161–165):

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2010

Количество страниц: 182

Добавлена в каталог: 24.09.2017

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