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Название: Seamanship Techniques. Shipboard and Maritime Operations
Автор: House D.
Content: Preface to 1st edition (Part one), Page xiii Preface to 3rd edition, Page xiv Acknowledgments, Pages xv-xvi About the author, Page xvii Abbreviations, Pages xviii-xxii 1 - The ship, Pages 1-27 2 - Anchor work (fundamentals), Pages 28-56 3 - Ropework, Pages 57-80 4 - Wirework and rigging, Pages 81-104 5 - Lifting gear, Pages 105-137 6 - Cargo and hatchwork, Pages 138-180 7 - Boatwork and life saving appliances, Pages 181-224 8 - Survival craft and practice, Pages 225-274 9 - Communications, Pages 275-296 10 - Watchkeeping duties, Pages 297-321 11 - Marine instruments monitoring and measurement, Pages 322-362 12 - Meteorology, Pages 363-394 13 - Preventing collisions at sea, Pages 395-444 14 - Emergencies, Pages 445-484 15 - Fire-fighting, Pages 485-518 16 - Search and rescue operations, Pages 519-544 17 - Ship-handling — equipment, Pages 545-580 18 - Ship-handling — manoeuvring and mooring operations, Pages 581-615 19 - Tanker operations, Pages 616-658 20 - The application of MARPOL and the prevention of pollution, Pages 659-676 Appendix I - Mariner's self examiner, Pages 677-684 Appendix II - Officer of the watch — Certificate of competency, Pages 685-690 Appendix III - Chief officer (1st mate) — Certificate of competency, Pages 691-698 Appendix IV - Ship's master — Certificate of competency, Pages 700-707 Appendix V - Rule of the road — (Reference to the COLREGS and the IALA Buoyage system), Pages 708-714 Index, Pages 715-730
Рубрика: Разное/
Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно
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Год издания: 2004
Количество страниц: 739
Добавлена в каталог: 24.09.2017
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