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Marlet R. — Program Specialization
Marlet R. — Program Specialization

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Название: Program Specialization

Автор: Marlet R.


This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization ? a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. As an illustration, it describes the architecture of Tempo, an offline program specializer for C that can also specialize code at runtime, and provides figures for concrete applications in various domains. Technical details address issues related to program analysis precision, value reification, incomplete program specialization, strategies to exploit specialized program, incremental specialization, and data specialization. The book, that targets both researchers and software engineers, also opens scientific and industrial perspectives.Content:
Chapter 1 Main Principles of Program Specialization (pages 1–42): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 2 Specialization Techniques (pages 43–70): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 3 Offline Specialization (pages 71–116): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 4 A Specializer for C: Tempo (pages 117–144): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 5 Applications of Specialization (pages 145–184): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 6 Precision of Program Analysis (pages 185–220): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 7 Reification: From a Value to a Term (pages 221–248): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 8 Specialization of Incomplete Programs (pages 249–282): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 9 Exploitation of Specialization (pages 283–308): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 10 Incremental Runtime Specialization (pages 309–342): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 11 Data Specialization (pages 343–392): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 12 Scientific Perspectives (pages 393–420): Renaud Marlet
Chapter 13 Conclusion: From Prototype to Product (pages 421–434): Renaud Marlet

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2013

Количество страниц: 550

Добавлена в каталог: 10.09.2017

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