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Cobb C., Fetterolf M. — The joy of chemistry: amazing science of familiar things
Cobb C., Fetterolf M. — The joy of chemistry: amazing science of familiar things

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Название: The joy of chemistry: amazing science of familiar things

Авторы: Cobb C., Fetterolf M.


Discover the fun and fascination of chemistry through hands-on demonstrations For many, chemistry is perceived as a burdensome affair, weighed down with mathematics and restricted to well-guarded research facilities. While these facets of chemistry are certainly of paramount importance, laboratories and calculators do not necessarily convey the inherent beauty of chemistry or the excitement of chemistry at work.

This book challenges the perception of chemistry as too difficult to bother with and too clinical to be any fun. Cathy Cobb and Monty L. Fetterolf, both professional chemists and experienced educators, introduce readers to the magic, elegance, and, yes, joy of chemistry. From the fascination of fall foliage and fireworks, to the functioning of smoke detectors and computers, to the fundamentals of digestion (as when good pizza goes bad!), the authors illustrate the concepts of chemistry in terms of everyday experience, using familiar materials.

The authors begin with a bang—a colorful bottle rocket assembled from common objects you find in the garage—and then present the principles of chemistry using household chemicals and friendly, nontechnical language. They guide the reader through the basics of atomic structure, the nature of molecular bonds, and the vibrant universe of chemical reactions. Using analogy and example to illuminate essential concepts such as thermodynamics, photochemistry, electrochemistry, and chemical equilibrium, they explain the whys and wherefores of chemical reactions. Hands-on demonstrations, selected for their ease of execution and relevance, illustrate basic principles, and lively commentaries emphasize the fun and fascination of learning about chemistry.

This delightful and richly informative book amply proves that chemistry can appeal to our intuition, logic, and—if we’re willing to get down and dirty—our sense of enjoyment too.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 392

Добавлена в каталог: 09.09.2017

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