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Friend J.N. (ed.) — A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (vol. 11) |
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Silicon: Triethyl, silicon oxide 253 257
Silicon: Triethyl-n-butylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethyl-n-propylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethyl-p-chlorophenylmonosilane 291 362
Silicon: Triethyl-p-iodophenylmonosilane 362
Silicon: Triethylacetoxyethylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethylbromo-p-phenylmonosilane 291 362
Silicon: Triethylbromosilicane 250 251 253 363
Silicon: Triethylchloroethylsilicane 250 252
Silicon: Triethylchlorosilicane 253 255
Silicon: Triethylhydroxyethylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethylisoamylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethylisobutylsilicane 252
Silicon: Triethylphenylsilicane 362
Silicon: Triethylsilicane 23 251
Silicon: Triethylsilicol 253 254 259 363
Silicon: Triethylsilicyl, ethyl, ether 23
Silicon: Trimethyl-n-butylsilicane 251
Silicon: Trimethyl-n-propylsilicane 24 251 253 257
Silicon: Trimethylethylylsilicane 251
Silicon: Trimethylisoamylsilicane 252
Silicon: Trimethylisobutylsilicane 251
Silicon: Trinitrophenylsilicol, trisulphonate of 269
Silicon: Triphenyl, silicon acetate 266
Silicon: Triphenyl, silicon bromide see “Triphenylbromosilicane”
Silicon: Triphenyl, silicon chloride see “Triphenylchlorosilicane”
Silicon: Triphenyl, silicon oxide 361
Silicon: Triphenylbromosilicane 263 266 268 361
Silicon: Triphenylchlorosilicane 262 263 266 267 269 284
Silicon: Triphenylethylsilicane 263
Silicon: Triphenylmethylsilicane 262
Silicon: Triphenylsilicane 263
Silicon: Triphenylsilicol 262 266 269 280
Silicon: Triphenylsilicol, trisulphonic acid 269
Silicon: Triphenylsilicylamine 266
Silicon: Tripropyl, silicon acetate 253 255 257
Silicon: Tripropyl, silicon bromide 255
Silicon: Tripropyl, silicon oxide 251 253 257
Silicon: Tripropylbromosilicane 253 255
Silicon: Tripropylsilicane 250 251
Silicon: Tripropylsilicol 253 255
Silver: Silver, phenyl 4 9
Silver: Silver, phenyl, compound with silver nitrate 319 351
Singer 69 90 181 183 201—203
smith 87
Smith, C. 203 204
Smith, H. 307 318 320 323 325
Sneed 39 41
Sobero 47
Soderback 74 89
Sodium: Sodium, benzul 6
Sodium: Sodium, biphenylene-phenyl-methyl 7
Sodium: Sodium, di-biphenylyl- -napthyl-methyl 7
Sodium: Sodium, ethyl 5 35
Sodium: Sodium, isoamyl 38
Sodium: Sodium, methyl 5 33
Sodium: Sodium, p-anisyl-biphenylene-methyl 8
Sodium: Sodium, phenyl 6
Sodium: Sodium, phenyl-biphenylyl- -napthyl-methyl 7
Sodium: Sodium, triphenylmethyl 3 6
Sperry 215
Ssiraonowitsoh 16 19
Ssokoloff 25 37
Stamm 113 131
Staveley 63 04
Steinkopf 42 63 74 75 82—84 86—89 94 96—101 222
Stock 223 224
Stoehr 50 52 183
Strecker 40 42 309
Struensee 177
Suida 35 42 76
Tabern 292—295 297 298
Tafel 37 38 43 335
Tartarini 132
Taurke 250 251 253 256
Thallium: Thallium, compounds, comprasion with gold 4
Thallium: Thallium, di- -naphthyl, bromide 221 243
Thallium: Thallium, di- -naphthyl, chloride 243 360
Thallium: Thallium, di-isoamyl, chloride, fluoride 242
Thallium: Thallium, di-isobutyl, chloride, nitrate 242
Thallium: Thallium, di-isopropyl, chloride, nitrate 242
Thallium: Thallium, di-n-butyl, bromide, carbonate, chloride, fluoride, iodide, nitrate sulphate 242
Thallium: Thallium, di-o-tolyl, chloride 243
Thallium: Thallium, di-p-tolyl, bromide 243
Thallium: Thallium, di-p-tolyl, chloride 243
Thallium: Thallium, di-sec-butyl, chloride, nitrate 242
Thallium: Thallium, dicyclohexyl, chloride 243
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, -nitroso-$\naphthoxide 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 2 : 4 : 6-trinitrophenoxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 3-nitro-o-tolyloxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 3-nitro-p-tolyloxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 4-nitro-m-tolyloxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 4-nitrosophenoxide 221 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 5-nitro-o-tolyloxide 221 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, 6-nitro-m-tolyloxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, acetate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, bromide 222 237
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, carbonate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, chloride 237 238 302
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, chromate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, dinitro- naphthoxide 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, dinitro-o-tolyloxide 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, fluoride 237
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, hexanitrodiphenylamine 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, hydrogen carbonate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, hydrosulphide 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, hydroxide 221
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, iodide 237 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, lactate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, m-bromobenzoate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, m-nitrophenoxide 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, n-hexoate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, n-ostoate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, nitrate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, nitrite 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, o-nitrophenoxide 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, p-iodobenzoate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, p-nitrobenzoate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, p-nitrophenoxide 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, phosphate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, propionate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, sulphate 237 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, thiocyanate 238
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, trichloroacetate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, trinito- -naphthoxide 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, trinitro-m-tolyloide 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl, valerate 239
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl-2 : 4-dinitronaphthoxide-7-sulphonate 241
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl-2 : 4-dinitrophenoxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl-2 : 6-dinitrophenoxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, diethyl-4 : 6-dinito-2-aminophenoxide 240
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, acetate 237
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, bromide 235 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, carbonate 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, chloride 221 235
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, chromate 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, fluoride 235
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, hydrosulphide 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, hydroxide 236 237
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, iodide 235 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, m-nitrophenoxide 221 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, nitrate 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, o-nitrophenoxide 236
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl, p-nitrophenoxide 237
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl-3-nitro-o-tolyloxide 237
Thallium: Thallium, dimethyl-4 : 6-dinitro-2-aminophenoxide 237
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, -nitroso- -naphthoxide 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, acetate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, acid butyrate 221 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, acid hexoate 221 244
| Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, acid propionate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, acid valerate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, bromide 242
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, chloride 76 222 242 245 340 360
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, chromate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, fluoride 242
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, m-bromobenzoate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, n-butyrate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, n-hexoate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, n-octoate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, nitrate 243 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, nitrite 243
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, o-bromobenzoate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, o-nitrophenoxide 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, oxide 243 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, p-nitrobenzoate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, p-nitrophenoxide 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, pyrophosphate 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, trinitro- -naphthoxide 244
Thallium: Thallium, diphenyl, trinitro-n-tolyloxide 244
Thallium: Thallium, dipropyl, bromide, hydrosulphide, hydroxide, iodide 241
Thallium: Thallium, dipropyl, chloride 37 241
Than, von 45
Thiele 190
Thomas 234
Thummel 186
Thurman 78 79 93
Tiffeneau 81 95 96
Tin: 1 : 10-bis-triethylstannyl-n-decane 330
Tin: 1 : 5-bis-triethylstannyl-n-pentane 330 331 373
Tin: Dimethylmethylene, stannane 316
Tin: Disodium, dimethyl, stannane 313 315 316
Tin: Disodium, diphenyl, stannide 320 329
Tin: Disodium, hexamethyl, tristannane 315 316
Tin: Disodium, tetramethyl-distannane 315
Tin: Disodium, tin, diphenyl see “Disodium diphenyl stannide”
Tin: Dodecamethylpentastannane 316
Tin: Ethyl, stannonic acid 313
Tin: Hexa-isobutyldistannane 315 372
Tin: Hexa-n-propyldistannane 315 372
Tin: Hexa-p-tolyldistannane 327
Tin: Hexa-p-xylyldistannane 327
Tin: Hexabenzyldistannane 327
Tin: Hexacyclohexyldistannane 327
Tin: Hexaethyldistannane 305 306 314 372
Tin: Hexamethyldistannane 314
Tin: Hexaphenyldistannane 327 361
Tin: iso-proryl, stannonic acid 313
Tin: Methyl, stannonic acid 311 312 361
Tin: Sodium, tin, triphenyl 328 329
Tin: Sodium, trimethyl, stannide 304 314
Tin: sym-tetraethyldi-isobutyl-distannane 315 372
Tin: sym-tetraethyldi-n-propyl-distannane 315 372
Tin: Tin, di- -naphthyl 327
Tin: Tin, di-isoamyl 310
Tin: Tin, di-isobutyl salts 310
Tin: Tin, di-isopropyl, salts 310
Tin: Tin, di-n-propyl, salts 310
Tin: Tin, di-p-tolyl 326
Tin: Tin, di-p-xylyl 327
Tin: Tin, dibenzyl, acetate 325
Tin: Tin, dibenzyl, chloride 321 325
Tin: Tin, dibenzyl, dibromide, di-iodide, oxide 325
Tin: Tin, dicyclohexyl 327
Tin: Tin, dicyclohexyl, dibromide, difluoride, dihydroxide, di-iodide 325 326
Tin: Tin, diethyl 300 301 309 313 314
Tin: Tin, diethyl, cyclopentanethylene 329 330 361 373
Tin: Tin, diethyl, di-iodide 18 21 302 303 306 309 329
Tin: Tin, diethyl, di-iso-amyl 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, di-isobutyl 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, dibenzyl 320
Tin: Tin, diethyl, dibromide 309 311 329 330 371
Tin: Tin, diethyl, dichloride 302 303 309 311 313 360
Tin: Tin, diethyl, iso-amyl, bromide 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, iso-amyl, chloride 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, isobutyl, bromide 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, n-propyl, bromide, chloride 370
Tin: Tin, diethyl, oxide 309 313
Tin: Tin, diethyl, salts 309—311
Tin: Tin, diethyl-5-bromoamyl bromide 329 330 373
Tin: Tin, diethyl-n-amyl, bromide 331 373
Tin: Tin, dimethyl 313 315
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, di-iodide 308 329 371
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, di-isobutyl 370
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, dibromide 308 313 315 316 329
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, dichloride 303 308 314
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, diethyl 18 303 360
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, ethyl bromide 303
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, ethyl propyl 303
Tin: Tin, dimethyl, salts 308 309
Tin: Tin, dimethyl-5-bromoamyl bromide 329 373
Tin: Tin, dimethyl-cyclopentamethylene 329 331 373
Tin: Tin, dimethyldiphenul 320
Tin: Tin, diphenyl 326 327 329
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, aminochloride 325
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, chlorobromide, chloro-iodide 324
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, dibromide 324
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, dichloride 77 225 322 323 324 361
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, diethoxide 324
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, difluoride 324
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, hydride 329
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, hydroxycloride 324 360
Tin: Tin, diphenyl, oxide 324
Tin: Tin, ethyl, butyl, dibenzyl 320
Tin: Tin, ethyl, di-isoamyl, bromide 370
Tin: Tin, ethyl, di-isobutyl, bromide 370
Tin: Tin, ethyl, dibenzyl, iodide 320
Tin: Tin, ethyl, dibutyl, benzyl 320
Tin: Tin, ethyl, n-propyl, di-isoamyl 303
Tin: Tin, ethyl, phenyl, dichloride 326
Tin: Tin, ethyl, propyl, dibenzyl 307 320 321
Tin: Tin, ethyl, propyl, dichloride 307
Tin: Tin, ethyl, tri-isobutyl 369
Tin: Tin, ethyl, tri-n-propyl 369
Tin: Tin, ethyl, tribromide 313
Tin: Tin, isopropyl, tribromide 313
Tin: Tin, isopropyl, trichloride 313
Tin: Tin, methyl, ethyl, dibromide 303
Tin: Tin, methyl, ethyl, dipropyl 303
Tin: Tin, methyl, ethyl, iodide 307
Tin: Tin, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, dextro-bromocamphor sulphonate 307 308
Tin: Tin, methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, dextro-camphor sulphonate 307
Tin: Tin, methyl, sulphate (basic) 312
Tin: Tin, methyl, tri-iodide 301 311 312
Tin: Tin, methyl, tribromide, trichloride 312
Tin: Tin, tetra- -thienyl 318
Tin: Tin, tetra-cychexyl 317 323 325
Tin: Tin, tetra-isoamyl 302
Tin: Tin, tetra-isobutyl 302
Tin: Tin, tetra-m-tolyl 317
Tin: Tin, tetra-m-xylyl 317
Tin: Tin, tetra-o-tolyl 317
Tin: Tin, tetra-p-xylyl 317
Tin: Tin, tetrabenzyl 318
Tin: Tin, tetrabromide, physical constants of 371
Tin: Tin, tetraethyl 21 26 300 301 302 305 309 361 371
Tin: Tin, tetramethyl 301 304 305 312 315 361
Tin: Tin, tetraphenyl 13 316 321—324 329 360 361
Tin: Tin, tetrapropyl 24 37 302 371
Tin: Tin, tri-iso-amyl, salts 371
Tin: Tin, tri-isobutil, iso-amyl 369
Tin: Tin, tri-isobutil, salts 306 307 371
Tin: Tin, tri-isopropyl, bromide, chloride, iodide 306 371
Tin: Tin, tri-m-xylyl, fluoride 322
Tin: Tin, tri-m-xylyl, fluoride, chloride, bromide, iodide 323
Tin: Tin, tri-n-propyl, isobutyl 369
Tin: Tin, tri-o-tolyl, bromide, chloride, iodide 322
Tin: Tin, tri-p-tolyl, bromide 322 327
Tin: Tin, tri-p-tolyl, chloride, fluoride 322
Tin: Tin, tribenzyl, chloride 320 323 325 327
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