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Kompala D., Todd P. — Cell Separation Science and Technology
Kompala D., Todd P. — Cell Separation Science and Technology

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Название: Cell Separation Science and Technology

Авторы: Kompala D., Todd P.


Content: Separation of living cells / Paul Todd and Thomas G. Pretlow —
High-resolution separation of rare cell types / James F. Leary ... [et al.] —
Rare-earth chelates as fluorescent markers in cell separation and analysis / R.C. Leif and L.M. Vallarino —
Automated cell separation techniques based on optical trapping / T.N. Buican —
Separation techniques used to prepare highly purified chromosome populations : sedimentation, centrifugation, and flow sorting / K.L. Albright, L.S. Cram and J.C. Martin —
Separation of cells by sedimentation / Thomas G. Pretlow and Theresa P. Pretlow —
High-capacity separation of homogeneous cell subpopulations by centrifugal elutriation / Peter C. Keng —
Cell separations using differential sedimentation in inclined settlers / Robert H. Davis ... [et al.] —
Separation of cells by field-flow fractionation / J. Calvin Giddings, Bhajendra N. Barman and Min-Kuang Liu —
Separation of cells and measurement of surface adhesion forces using a hybrid of field-flow fractionation and adhesion chromatography / J.C. Bigelow ... [et al.] —
High-capacity cell separation by affinity selection on synthetic solid-phase matrices / Kazunori Kataoka —
Factors in cell separation by partitioning in two-polymer aqueous-phase systems / Derek Fisher, F.D. Raymond and H. Walter —
Population heterogeneity in blood neutrophils fractionated by continuous flow electrophoresis (CFE) and by partitioning in aqueous polymer two-phase systems (PAPS) / Neville Crawford, Paul Eggleton and Derek Fisher —
Separation of lymphoid cells using combined countercurrent elutriation and continuous flow electrophoresis / Johann Bauer —
Comparison of methods of preparative cell electrophoresis / Paul Todd —
Separation of small-cell lung cancer cells from bone marrow using immunomagnetic beads / F.J. Powers ... [et al.] —
Analytical- and process-scale cell separation with bioreceptor ferrofluids and high-gradient magnetic separation / P.A. Liberti and B.P. Feeley.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 303

Добавлена в каталог: 08.07.2017

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