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Ball S. — Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessor Systems. Real World Design
Ball S. — Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessor Systems. Real World Design

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Название: Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessor Systems. Real World Design

Автор: Ball S.


  • Provides hard-to-find information on interfacing analog devices and technologies to the purely digital world of embedded microprocessors. Gives the reader the insight and perspective of a real embedded systems design engineer, including tips that only a hands-on professional would know. Covers important considerations for both hardware and software systmes when linking analog and digital devices. -Embedded Technology ...a comprehensive source on interfacing the real world to microprocessors should prove invaluable to embedded systems engineers, students, technicians, and hobbyists. Anyone involved in connecting the analog environment to their digital machines, or troubleshooting such connections will find this book especially useful. - Embedded Technology In general, for all the sections, there are plenty of simple diagrams and also the maths is kept to a simple level. ...I like this book and recommend it as an introduction to the subject for home use, students and SW Engineers. - Chris Hills in the ACCU magazine CVu ...there are plenty of simple diagrams and also the maths is kept to a simple level. I like this book and recommend it as an introduction to the subject for home use, students and engineers. -Chris Hills in the ACCU magazine CVu

Preface, Page ix
Introduction, Page xi
1 - System Design, Pages 1-12
2 - Analog-to-Digital Converters, Pages 13-46
3 - Sensors, Pages 47-90
4 - Time-Based Measurements, Pages 91-106
5 - Output Control Methods, Pages 107-143
6 - Solenoids, Relays, and Other Analog Outputs, Pages 145-169
7 - Motors, Pages 171-213
8 - Electromagnetic Interference, Pages 215-223
9 - High-Precision Applications, Pages 225-241
10 - Standard Interfaces, Pages 243-246
11 - Analog Toolbox, Pages 247-273
Appendix A - Opamp Basics, Pages 275-286
Appendix B - Pulse Width Modulation, Pages 287-297
Appendix C - Useful URLs, Pages 299-300
Appendix D - Python Code for Chapter 11; Excel Data for Chapter 4, Pages 301-306
Glossary, Pages 307-309
Index, Pages 311-322

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 316

Добавлена в каталог: 18.06.2017

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