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Название: Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry. Volume 3. Main Group and Early Transition Elements
Автор: Wilkinson G.
It is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Performance Engineering (EPEW 2013) that took place in Venice. The
purpose of this workshop series is to gather academic and industrial researchers
working on all aspects of performance engineering. The program of EPEW 2013
comprises 16 full papers and 8 short papers selected from 33 submissions. Each
paper was peer reviewed by at least three reviewers from the International Program Committee (IPC); after the collection of reviews the Program Committee
members carefully discussed the quality of the papers for one week before deciding about the acceptance. We would like therefore to give a special thanks to all
the members of the IPC for the excellent work in the reviewing process and the
subsequent discussion panels during the selection process.
EPEW 2013 is honoured to have two distinguished keynote speakers: Vittorio
Cortellessa from the University of L’Aquila and Claudio Palazzi from the University of Padova. We would like to express our gratitude for their participation.
Finally we would like to thank the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice for hosting
the workshop, the EasyChair team for having allowed us to use their conference
system and Springer for the continued editorial support of this workshop series.