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Chulaevsky V., Suhov Y. — Multi-scale Analysis for Random Quantum Systems with Interaction
Chulaevsky V., Suhov Y. — Multi-scale Analysis for Random Quantum Systems with Interaction

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Название: Multi-scale Analysis for Random Quantum Systems with Interaction

Авторы: Chulaevsky V., Suhov Y.


The study of quantum disorder has generated considerable research activity in mathematics and physics over past 40 years. While single-particle models have been extensively studied at a rigorous mathematical level, little was known about systems of several interacting particles, let alone systems with positive spatial particle density. Creating a consistent theory of disorder in multi-particle quantum systems is an important and challenging problem that largely remains open. Multi-scale Analysis for Random Quantum Systems with Interaction  presents the progress that had been recently achieved in this area.


The main focus of the book is on a rigorous derivation of the multi-particle localization in a strong random external potential field. To make the presentation accessible to a wider audience, the authors restrict attention to a relatively simple tight-binding Anderson model on a cubic lattice Zd.


This book includes the following cutting-edge features:


an introduction to the state-of-the-art single-particle localization theory

an extensive discussion of relevant technical aspects of the localization theory

a thorough comparison of the multi-particle model with its single-particle counterpart

a self-contained rigorous derivation of both spectral and dynamical localization in the multi-particle tight-binding Anderson model.


Required mathematical background for the book includes a knowledge of functional calculus, spectral theory (essentially reduced to the case of finite matrices) and basic probability theory. This is an excellent text for a year-long graduate course or seminar in mathematical physics. It also can serve as a standard reference for specialists.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2014

Количество страниц: 226

Добавлена в каталог: 14.05.2017

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