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Mourlas C., Germanakos P. — INTELLIGENT USER INTERFACES: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies (Premier Reference Source)
Mourlas C., Germanakos P. — INTELLIGENT USER INTERFACES: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies (Premier Reference Source)

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Название: INTELLIGENT USER INTERFACES: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies (Premier Reference Source)

Авторы: Mourlas C., Germanakos P.


In "Intelligent User Interfaces", IGI has done their usual excellent job of collecting expert opinion from faculty and scientists around the world on topics of current interest in IT and Computer Science. But, by offering an implementation-oriented review of the technologies available for Web Customization, Personalization and Recommendation, they have provided invaluable input on one of the hottest topics in both Computer Science and Commercial Information Technology. This volume collects practical examples of Semantic Web Techniques, Data Mining for Recommendation Engines, Personalization to a Web User's Affect and Cognition, Practical Methods to Customize E-Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems, and to tune Web Interfaces for Mobile Devices. This will provide practical guidance both in Academia and to commercial companies that wish to emulate the success of Amazon's Recommendation Engine, and Web Personalization Firms like magnify360 and 7 Billion People, Inc.

This extensive, both academic and practical review of Web Customization, Adaptation and Personalization Techniques includes a variety of articles by scholars and practitionaers on topics such as:

1. The Theoretical Background of Web and Interface Customization including techniques for extracting User Profiles; methods of Navigation, Search
and Recommendation; Human Factors Issues; customization in the E-Learning Domain; and Semantic Methods.

2. Practical Issues in Adaptive Content Presentation for Mobile Applications, User-Personalized Information Retrieval, E-Government Applications, and adjusting for Cognitive Overload.

3. Adaptive Software Techniques for extraction of Semantic Content and Selection of Diverse Media.

4. Describes Real-World Examples of Adaptive Applications; based upon a user's Cognitive Style; in Shopping Assistance systems; and in building Learner Models in E-Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems

5. Finally, yet vitally important it addresses Issues of Security and Privacy as they apply to Web Customization and other Software Personalization Techniques.

This vital set of articles from both scholars and commercial practitioners addresses the issues of Web Personalization and Customization as well as other Technology Customization Efforts in a way that no ordinary textbook, or review work could provide. It also will serve as a set of notes, gotcha's and practical advice to anyone who will build a real-world application that makes use of these techniques.

— Ira Laefsky

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 25.02.2017

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