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Shorey R., Ananda A., Chan M. — Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications, and Future Directions
Shorey R., Ananda A., Chan M. — Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications, and Future Directions

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Название: Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks: Technology, Applications, and Future Directions

Авторы: Shorey R., Ananda A., Chan M.


This publication represents the best thinking and solutions to a myriad of contemporary issues in wireless networks. Coverage includes wireless LANs, multihop wireless networks, and sensor networks. Readers are provided with insightful guidance in tackling such issues as architecture, protocols, modeling, analysis, and solutions. The book also highlights economic issues, market trends, emerging, cutting-edge applications, and new paradigms, such as middleware for RFID, smart home design, and "on-demand business" in the context of pervasive computing. Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks is divided into three distinct parts: * Recent Advances in Wireless LANs and Multihop Wireless Networks * Recent Advances and Research in Sensor Networks * Middleware, Applications, and New Paradigms In developing this collected work, the editors have emphasized two objectives: * Helping readers bridge the gap and understand the relationship between practice and theory * Helping readers bridge the gap and understand the relationships and common links among different types of wireless networks Chapters are written by an international team of researchers and practitioners who are experts and trendsetters in their fields. Contributions represent both industry and academia, including IBM, National University of Singapore, Panasonic, Intel, and Seoul National University. Students, researchers, and practitioners who need to stay abreast of new research and take advantage of the latest techniques in wireless communications will find this publication indispensable. Mobile, Wireless, and Sensor Networks provides a clear sense of where the industry is now, what challenges it faces, and where it is heading.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 450

Добавлена в каталог: 19.02.2017

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