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Neale M., Gee M. — A Guide to Wear Problems and Testing for Industry
Neale M., Gee M. — A Guide to Wear Problems and Testing for Industry

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Название: A Guide to Wear Problems and Testing for Industry

Авторы: Neale M., Gee M.


Machine component wear is one of the costliest problems within industry. In fact, a 1997 survey in the UK placed wear costs at 25% of turnover, or approximately $1 billion. In many cases, making design and or material changes can reduce this cost by 50% or more! This handbook reviews component wear, and guides the reader through solutions to wear problems, testing methods for materials and wear mechanisms, and information on wear performance of different materials for components. The bottom line is that it helps to reduce ""the bottom line"" removing risks associated with changes to machinery. This book is based on practical use. It outlines the following practices: reviews of wear mechanisms that occur in various types of machinery and solutions to industrial wear problems; guides to relative wear performance of different component materials; comparison of the wear performance of those materials; reviews of laboratory tests to simulate wear, and selection of appropriate tests; identification of improved materials, and; examination of worn surfaces.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 171

Добавлена в каталог: 19.02.2017

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