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Bolton B., Thompson J. — Entrepreneurs, Second Edition: Talent, Temperament, Technique
Bolton B., Thompson J. — Entrepreneurs, Second Edition: Talent, Temperament, Technique

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Название: Entrepreneurs, Second Edition: Talent, Temperament, Technique

Авторы: Bolton B., Thompson J.


This new edition completely up-dates the text and takes account of recent work. New material replaces existing information so that individuals such as Michelle Mone (taking on giants) and Ken Morrison, and the stories of Yo Sushi and Lonely Planet are included.The following features are incorporated :Social enterprises (which generate income) are separated from community based ventures which are more grant dependent. The story of Aspire will be introduced and The Storm Model Agency The chapter on the Entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley is to be re-crafted and moved towards the end of the book. It covers both the entrepreneurs and the process and context issues that have helped explain the Silicon Valley phenomenon. The New Internet Entrepreneurs chapter is now to come immediately after Chapter 4 and will be rewritten to include new stories on E-Bay (success) and e-Toys (failure).. There is to be a stronger section on the characteristics of 'The Entrepreneur Enabler' - people who advise and support entrepreneurs . Web support materials and worked examples are to be written for academic adoptions. * Shows what entrepreneurs do and achieve? How they go about it * Web support materials now included for academic courses.* There is a website available for this text which is www.efacets.co.uk. A password and username is available when you log in to this site where you will be able to access the Facets Indicator Report.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 384

Добавлена в каталог: 16.01.2017

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