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Smith S.W. — Digital Signal Processing |
![blank](/z.gif) |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
SECAM television 386
Seismology 1 7 8 451
Separable image 404—406
Sharpening, image 403—404
Shift and subtract 402—403
Shift invariance 89—92 108
Sidebands in ADC 44—45
Sidebands in AM see “Amplitude modulation”
Sigmoid function 461—463 471—472
Sign and magnitude 68—69
Sign bit 68—69
Signal (defined) 11 87
Signal-to-noise ratio 17 432—436
Signed fraction 514
Sine function, aliasing of 212—214
Sine function, DAC reconstruction 46—47
Sine function, Fourier transform of rectangular pulse 212—215 285—287
Sine function, Two-dimensional (image) 400—401
Sine function, Windowed-sine filter 283—285
Single precision 70—76
Sinusoidal fidelity see “Linearity”
SIRT 442
Skeletonization of binary images 438—442
Smoothing filter see under “Filters”
Sonar 1 7—8 32—34 88 171—173 222—224
space exploration see “Astrophotography”
Spatial domain (defined) 12 373
spatial resolution see under “Resolution”
Speak & spell 6 366
Spectral analysis 169—176
Spectral inversion see under “Filters”
Spectral response of the eye 380—381
Spectral reversal see under “Filters digital”
Spectrogram of speech 365—367
Speech, digital recording 6
Speech, generation 6 357 364—368
Speech, recognition 6—7 364—368
Speech, speak & spell 6
Speech, vocal tract simulation 6
Speed, convolution vs.FFT convolution 318
Speed, FIR vs.IIR filters 346—350
Speed, hardware 80—84
Speed, image convolution 421—422
Speed, program language 76—80
Speed, programming style 84—86
Square PSF 400—401
Stability 339 541 600—601 609
Standard deviation 13—17 20—22 434—435
Static linearity 92—93
Stationary 19
Statistical variation see “Noise”
Steepest decent, neural network learning 470—473
Step decomposition see under “Decomposition”
Step response see under “Filters”
Stereo audio 362
Stopband (defined) 268
| Stretch, grayscale 390—391
Strong Law of Large Numbers 18
Subpixel interpolation 395—396
Substitution, using complex numbers by 557—559
Superposition see under “Linearity”
Symmetry, left-right see under “Zero phase” “Phase”
Synthesis see under “Linearity” “Fourier “Discrete
System (defined) 87
Systematic errors 32—34
t-carrier system 4
Target detection 451—458
Tchebysheff see “Chebyshev”
Telecommunications 4—5
Television 206 374 384—386 501
Text recognition, neural network 465—476
Threshold 453—458
TIFF image, data compression 488
Timbre 355—358
Time domain (defined) 12 146—147
Time domain encoding see under “Information”
Transfer function 594 611—612
Transform (defined) 146
Transform data compression 494—500
Triangular pulse 216—217 281
Trigonometric functions 85—86 165—166
True-positive (true-negative) 453—454
Tschebyscheff see “Chebyshev”
Two’s complement 69—70
Unit circle, z-plane 608—609
Unsigned integer 68—69
Variance 14
Voiced sound in speech 364
Voiceprint of speech 365—367
Von Neumann architecture 509
Warping images 394—396
Well, in CCDs 382—384
Wiener filter see under “Filters digital”
Windows, Bartlett window 288
Windows, Blackman 175—176 282—283 288
Windows, Hamming 170—171 174—176 282—283 288
Windows, Hanning 288
Windows, in spectral analysis 169—176 173—176
Windows, raised cosine 288
Windows, rectangular 175—176 212—215 288
X-ray imaging see also “Computed tomography”
X-ray imaging, airport baggage scanner 402—403
X-ray imaging, detection by phosphor layer 423—424
X-ray imaging, DSP improvements to 9
X-ray imaging, image noise of 434—436
X-ray imaging, measuring MTF 425
z-domain 605—610
z-plane 605—610
z-transform 334—335 605—610
Zero phase see under “Phase”
zeros see “Poles and zeros”
Zeroth-order-hold, DAC 46—47
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Ðåêëàìà |
![blank](/z.gif) |