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Alexander P. — Information Security: A Manager's Guide to Thwarting Data Thieves and Hackers (PSI Business Security)
Alexander P. — Information Security: A Manager's Guide to Thwarting Data Thieves and Hackers (PSI Business Security)

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Название: Information Security: A Manager's Guide to Thwarting Data Thieves and Hackers (PSI Business Security)

Автор: Alexander P.


The problem with building a better mousetrap is that sooner or later, somebody will come along and build a better mouse. The history of computers is also a history of computer crime. Data is valuable and so inevitably someone will try to hack it. Computers are important (even vital) so someone sooner or later will want to do them mischief — even if its just for the perverted fun of it. Therefore the unrelenting, unflagging, unending necessity for securing computers and the data they contain from hackers and thieves. "Information Security: A Manager's Guide To Thwarting Data Thieves And Hackers" by Philip Alexander (Information Security Officer for Wells Fargo Bank) writes with an impressive, comprehensive, experience-based expertise to specifically enable corporate managers at every level to understand and deal with the diverse security issues associated with their computer systems and data bases. From issues of security policy and standards, to network and DMZ design, to authentication and authorization, to security issues associated with mobile employees, hackers, snoops, viruses, data privacy laws, overseas outsourcing, and more, "Information Security" is a complete instruction manual that is as informed as it is informative. Up-to-date, 'reader friendly', and comprehensive, "Information Security" is strongly recommended reading for anyone with a management responsibility that includes data security and computer usage, as well as a core addition to professional, corporate, academic, and community library Computer Science & Security reference collections.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 189

Добавлена в каталог: 03.12.2016

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