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Mughal K., Rasmussen R. — A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer
Mughal K., Rasmussen R. — A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer

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Название: A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer

Авторы: Mughal K., Rasmussen R.


To pass the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 exam (SCPJ2 1.4) you need this book. It is written for any experienced programmer (with or without previous knowledge of Java) interested in mastering the Java programming language and passing the SCPJ2 1.4 exam.

A Programmer's Guide to Java™ Certification, Second Edition, contains detailed coverage of all exam topics and objectives, helpful code examples, exercises, review questions, and several full practice exams. In addition, as a comprehensive primer to the Java programming language, this book is an invaluable reference tool for the reader.

This new edition has been thoroughly updated to focus on the latest version of the exam (CX-310-035). In particular, it contains more in-depth explanations of the syntax and usage of core language features that are now emphasized on the exam. The accompanying CD contains a version of the SCPJ2 1.4 Exam Simulator developed by Whizlabs Software, which includes several mock exams and simulates the exam-taking experience. The CD also contains the complete source code for all the examples, and solutions to the programming exercises.

What you will find in this book:
# Extensive coverage of all the objectives defined for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 exam
# Easy-to-follow structure with chapters organized according to the exam objectives as laid out by Sun Microsystems
# Summaries that clearly state and differentiate the exam objectives and the supplementary objectives to be covered in each chapter
# A list of Sun's objectives for the SCPJ2 1.4 exam, and a guide to taking the exam
# A complete mock exam with new questions (not repeats of review questions)
# A CD that includes several mock exams and a version of the SCJP 1.4 Exam Simulator by Whizlabs Software, which simulates the exam-taking experience
# Numerous exam-relevant review questions to test your understanding of each major topic, with annotated answers
# Programming exercises and solutions at the end of each chapter
# Copious code examples illustrating concepts where the code has been compiled and thoroughly tested on multiple platforms
# Program output demonstrating expected results from running the examples
# Extensive use of UML (Unified Modeling Language) for illustration purposes
# An introduction to basic terminology and concepts in object-oriented programming
# Advice on how to avoid common pitfalls in mastering the language and taking the exam
# Platform-independent coverage — platform-specific details are provided where relevant
# Information about the SCPJ2 Upgrade exam

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 672

Добавлена в каталог: 17.12.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
keywords\, <Ind_prg>const<Ind_ro>
labels: break
labels: break, labels      
labels: break, labels, labeled break statement; iteration statements:termination
last element
last element, collections\:last element      
Least significant bit
left-most bit      
left:associativity, associativity
legal assignments
length method
lexical tokens      
LF<Ind_it>see<Ind_ro> Linefeed
line terminator
linear implementation inheritance      
List of Examples
List of Figures      
List of Tables      
LISTS      2nd
lists, collections:List
lists, collections:lists
lists\, iterators
literals, default type      2nd
literals, integer
literals, null
literals, predefined      
literals, prefix      2nd
literals, quoting
literals, suffix      2nd
Load factor      2nd
local, chaining of constructors
local, variable initialization
local, variables
local:chaining of constructors      
local:chaining of constructors, constructor chaining      
local:chaining of constructors, constructor chaining, constructors:chaining
local:declarations, declarations:local      
locks:class, locks:object      
logical AND      
logical AND, &
logical complement
logical complement, !
logical exclusive OR
logical exclusive OR, ^      
logical XOR
logical XOR, ^
long, suffix      
long, types\:<Ind_prg>long<Ind_ro>
long, types\:<Ind_prg>long<Ind_ro>, keywords\:<Ind_prg>long<Ind_ro>; integers\: <Ind_prg>long<Ind_ro>
loop condition      2nd
Main method      2nd
main method, methods:main      [See main method]
Main thread      
main thread, threads:main      
manifest constant      2nd
MANIFEST file      [See JAR utility]
many-to-one relation
map, dictionary      
mappings, maps: mappings      
mappings:, maps: mappings      [See entries]
maps, collections:Map      
marker interfaces
Math class      2nd
math constants
mathematical set
Maximum value
MAX_VALUE constant
member declarations      2nd
Members, access      
members, inheritance      2nd
members, modified
members, modifiers
members, short-hand      
members, static      
members:classes, members:interfaces
members:classes, members:interfaces, classes:as members      
members:scope, scope
members:scope, scope, accessibility:members;members;accessibility
members\, terminology
Memory Management      2nd
Memory Organization
message, receiver      
method call      2nd
method call, chaining      
method call, methods:call      [See method call]
method overloading
method overloading, overloading:methods
method overloading, overloading:methods, methods:overloading      [See method overloading]
method overriding
method overriding, overriding:methods      2nd
method prototype      2nd
method prototype declaration      2nd
method signature
method signature, methods:signature
methods, accessibility      
methods, body      2nd
methods, chained
methods, definition
methods, equals
methods, header      
methods, implementation      
methods, invocation      [See method call]
methods, mutually exclusive
methods, name
methods, return value      
methods:automatic variables see local variables
methods:automatic variables see local variables, methods:local variables
methods:automatic variables see local variables, methods:local variables, automatic variables see local variables      
methods:finalize, finalize method
methods\, clone      
methods\, getClass      
minimizing overhead      
Minimum value      
MIN_VALUE constant      
modifiers, main method      
modifiers:classes, classes:modifiers
modifiers:static, members:static      
Most significant bit
mother of all classes      
mother of all classes, classes:mother of all      
multidimensional arrays
multidimensional arrays, arrays:multidimensional      
multidimensional arrays, arrays:multidimensional, declaring:multidimensional arrays      
multiple assignments      
multiple assignments, assignments:multiple
multiple assignments, assignments:multiple, cascading assignments; assignments:cascading
multiple implementation inheritance      
multiple interface inheritance
multiple-line comment
multiplication operator:*
multiplication operator:*, operators:*      
multiplicative operators
multiplicative operators, operators:multiplicative      
multiplicative operators, operators:multiplicative, operators:*;operators:/;operators:%      
multithreaded programming      
mutable character strings      
mutable character strings, strings:mutable      
Mutex      [See locks]
Mutually exclusive      
mutually exclusive, actions      
mutually exclusive, locks      
mutually exclusive, operations      
named constants      
narrowing conversions      
narrowing conversions, conversions:narrowing      
narrowing conversions, primitive      
narrowing conversions:reference      
narrowing conversions:reference, reference:narrowing conversions      
Natural logarithms      
natural logarithms, logarithm      
natural order      2nd 3rd
negative zero      
negative zero, zero:negative      
nested classes      
nested classes, classes:nested      [See nested classes]
nested classes:non-static member      
nested classes:non-static member, classes:non-static member      
nested classes:synchronization      
nested classes:synchronization, inner classes:synchronization      
new operator      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
new operator, special form      
Newline<Ind_it>see<Ind_ro> Linefeed
NL<Ind_it>see<Ind_ro> Newline
non-runnable states      
non-runnable states, threads:non-runnable state      
non-static field      
nonstatic context      
nonstatic context, nonstatic code:      [See nonstatic context]2nd [See nonstatic context]
not, bitwise\:not      
not, bitwise\:not, integers\:not      
notifying threads      
notifying threads, threads:notification
null reference      2nd
null reference, casting
null reference, references:null see null reference
null reference, references:null see null reference, reserved literals:null see null reference
null reference:casting      
null reference:casting, keywords:null      
Number class
number systems      
number systems, decimal      
number systems, hexadecimal      2nd
number systems, octal      2nd
number systems:decimal
number systems:decimal, number systems:hexadecimal
number systems:decimal, number systems:hexadecimal, number systems:octal; number systems:binary
numeric promotions
numeric promotions, assignment
numeric promotions, conversions:numeric promotions
numeric promotions, conversions:numeric promotions, promotion
numeric wrapper classes      
Object class      
Object class, classes:Object      
object lock      [See locks]
object references      
object state      
object state, objects:initial state      
object state, objects:initial state, objects:constructing;initial state of object
object state, objects:initialization      
object state, state see object state      
object state, state see object state, objects:state see object state
Object-Oriented Programming
objects, alive      
objects, arrays      
objects, composite      
objects, constituent      
objects, immutable
objects, initializer block
objects, internals
objects, reachable
objects: constituent      
objects: constituent, constituents      
objects: create      
objects: create, creating:objects      
objects: initialization
objects: initialization, initialization:objects
objects:decoupling, decoupling      
objects:destroying, destroying objects
objects:exchanging information
objects:exchanging information, exchanging information      
objects:members, members:of objects      
objects:value equality      
objects:value equality, objects:equality
objects:value equality, objects:equality, equality:objects      
objects\:Class class
objects\:Class class, runtime class
objects\:Class class, runtime class, classes\:runtime; Class class
on-the-fly classes
on-the-fly classes, classes:on-the-fly      
one-dimensional arrays      
open range-view operations      
open range-view operations, range-view      
open range-view operations, range-view, collections:range-views
operators, !      
operators, !=      2nd
operators, %      
operators, %=      
operators, &      2nd
operators, &&
operators, &=      2nd
operators, *
operators, *=
operators, +
operators, +=
operators, -      
operators, -=      
operators, /      
operators, /=      
operators, ==      2nd
operators, >      
operators, >=      
operators, >>      2nd
operators, >>=      
operators, >>>      2nd
operators, >>>=      
operators, associativity      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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