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Evans G. — Animal Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Handbook for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition
Evans G. — Animal Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Handbook for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition

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Название: Animal Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Handbook for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition

Автор: Evans G.


10+ Years’ of Updates Since First Edition Newcomers to the animal clinical chemistry and toxicology fields quickly find that the same rules of human medicine do not always apply. Following in the footsteps of its standard-setting first edition, Animal Clinical Chemistry: A Practical Handbook for Toxicologists and Biomedical Researchers, Second Edition collates information widely dispersed in journals and book chapters, focusing on the most-relevant literature to experimental toxicology and its distinction from human medicine. Expands Discussion of Troponins, Lipids, and Electrolytes In addition to tests recommended by regulatory authorities, this globally relevant resource includes information about clinical chemistry tests as well as hepato-, nephro-, cardio-, and endocrine toxicity. It also covers pre-analytical and analytical variables, which play a far more important role with interpreting data from animal studies as compared to human studies when variables can be well-controlled with less physiological effect. Furthermore, this edition takes its discussion of biomarkers to the next level, exploring newer and related investigations, such as metabolomics/NMR and multiplex technology. Under the editorial guidance of G.O. Evans, a recognized field authority, the book presents background information on the selection and application of biochemical tests in preclinical safety assessment studies. It also assesses specific organ toxicity, such as in the liver, kidney, and thyroid, along with regulatory requirements and statistical approaches. Careful to avoid delving into overly complex detail, this text is a comprehensive, practical reference ideal for new entrants to the field. However, its broad scope and depth also make it suitable for more seasoned scientists and toxicologists.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 368

Добавлена в каталог: 18.05.2016

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