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Csaki C., Lerman Z. — Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for Eu Accession-Second World Bank Fao Workshop, June 27-29, 1999 (World Bank Technical Paper)
Csaki C., Lerman Z. — Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for Eu Accession-Second World Bank Fao Workshop, June 27-29, 1999 (World Bank Technical Paper)

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Название: Structural Change in the Farming Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe: Lessons for Eu Accession-Second World Bank Fao Workshop, June 27-29, 1999 (World Bank Technical Paper)

Авторы: Csaki C., Lerman Z.


Farm structures in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) today cover a whole spectrum of forms, which include small subsistence-oriented household plots, medium-sized commercial family farms, and large corporations. The agricultural sector in CEE definitely has not embraced the family farm as the dominant farming structure, thus confounding the original expectations of Western experts. On the other hand, agriculture did not collapse because of fragmentation and privatization, as predicted by conservative doomsayers. To address the concerns of the farming sector in CEE with relation to EU accession, a workshop was held in Warsaw, Poland in June 1999. This volume represents a selection of papers presented at this workshop. It examines the reforms and policy changes necessary in the food and agriculture sectors of the ten countries that have started the accession process for eventual membership in the European Union (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia). The papers are organized around the following three topics: • Evolving farm structures and competitiveness in agriculture; • Land laws and legal institutions for development of land markets and farm restructuring; and • Development of farm services for improved competitiveness. This volume will be of interest to agricultural policy makers and government officials in the candidate countries, EU officials, World Bank and FAO staff, development scholars, and all others interested in the process of agricultural reform in CEE.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 272

Добавлена в каталог: 27.04.2016

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