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Hirsch S., Heithecker S. — Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets: Professional Recipes for High-Octane Results
Hirsch S., Heithecker S. — Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets: Professional Recipes for High-Octane Results

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Название: Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets: Professional Recipes for High-Octane Results

Авторы: Hirsch S., Heithecker S.


This practical guide from two certified Pro Tools experts begins where most other Pro Tools books leave off — it's like having a high-level, hands-on studio session with your very own seasoned audio pros! Jump in anywhere and discover the professional techniques and tricks you need to get recordings right the first time, every time. Want to capture a perfect acoustic guitar? Record a band? Spice up your tracks with expertly sequenced MIDI? Record Foley and edit dialog for a movie? Make your final mix go from good to radio-ready? It's all here in compact recipes to help you record, edit, compose, and mix with ease. Just flip to the topic you need and keep the session moving.

Whether you're a sound designer, podcaster, musician, or hobbyist, you can access the secrets of professional audio success. Discover loads of studio tricks, including how to:
* Set up an efficient headphone mix for a band
* EQ and compress sounds to get pro results
* Record smart using quickpunch, loop, and alternate playlists
* Enhance male and female voices and remove hums
* Give your tracks cool, vintage effects
* Master all of Pro Tools 7's new MIDI and instrument track features
* Mix, master, bounce, burn, and podcast your session
* Seamlessly transfer film and video projects and set them up for 5.1 surround mixes
* Master plug-ins to fix a drum sound, create the AM radio effect, auto-tune vocals, and more

Learn how to get the most out of Pro Tools 7, such as routing MIDI with the new instrument track features.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 300

Добавлена в каталог: 27.11.2006

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