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Bannister J., Mather P., Coope S. — Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks: IP, UMTS, EGPRS and ATM
Bannister J., Mather P., Coope S. — Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks: IP, UMTS, EGPRS and ATM

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Название: Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks: IP, UMTS, EGPRS and ATM

Авторы: Bannister J., Mather P., Coope S.


The merging of voice and data on a single network opens powerful new possibilities in communications. Only a fundamental understanding of both technologies will ensure you are equipped to maximise their full potential. 

Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks describes the evolution from cellular to a converged network that integrates traditional telecommunications and the technology of the Internet.  In particular, the authors address the application of both IP and ATM technologies to a cellular environment, including IP telephony protocols, the use of ATM/AAL2 and the new AAL2 signalling protocol for voice/multimedia and data transport as well as the future of the UMTS network in UMTS Release 5/6 All-IP architecture.

Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks :

  • Explains the operation and integration of GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, CDMA2000, IP, and ATM.
  • Provides practical examples of 3G connection scenarios.
  • Describes signalling flows and protocol stacks.
  • Covers IP and ATM as used in a 3G context.
  • Addresses issues of QoS and real-time application support.
  • Includes IP/SS7 internetworking and IP softswitching.
  • Outlines the architecture of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) for UMTS.

Convergence Technologies for 3G Networks is suited for professionals from the telecommunications, data communications and computer networking industries..

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2004

Количество страниц: 673

Добавлена в каталог: 27.02.2016

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