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Westbrook C. — Handbook of MRI Technique, 2nd edition (September 15, 1999)
Westbrook C. — Handbook of MRI Technique, 2nd edition (September 15, 1999)

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Название: Handbook of MRI Technique, 2nd edition (September 15, 1999)

Автор: Westbrook C.


The progress of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a tool in diagnostic radiology has been extraordinary — outstripping the rate of development of any other imaging technique. Its inherent safety combined with multi-planar capabilities and image-contrast manipulation have ensured its importance in the diagnosis of disease.Handbook of MRI Technique has proved hugely successful in guiding the uninitiated through scanning techniques and helping more experienced technologists to improve image quality. This new edition continues to build on the strengths of the first edition and considers new technologies and developments essential to good practice. Despite their different systems and environments, technologists and radiographers from the US and Australia have contributed large sections to the book to ensure that information on techniques and image optimization is comprehensive.The book is split into two parts. Part I considers the main aspects of theory that relate to scanning and also includes practical tips on gating, equipment use, patient care and safety, and information on contrast media. Part II provides step-by-step instruction for examining each anatomical area, beginning with a basic anatomy section, followed by sections on indications, patient positioning, equipment, artefacts and tips on optimizing image quality. A section of problem-solving exercises completes the book.Now in a larger format with over 200 images, this book will continue to appeal to radiographers new to MRI and regular users who are looking for information on alternative techniques and suggestions on protocol modifications.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Издание: 2nd

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 438

Добавлена в каталог: 30.01.2016

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