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Maun A. — The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes
Maun A. — The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes

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Название: The Biology of Coastal Sand Dunes

Автор: Maun A.


Coastal zones are becoming increasingly topical (and politically sensitive) as they face relentless pressures from urban expansion, recreational development, and sea level rise due to climate change. This timely book provides a comprehensive introduction to the formation, dynamics, maintenance, and perpetuation of coastal sand dune systems. It describes the interactions between living organisms and the physical processes of geomorphology. A global range of examples enhance the book's international appeal. Based on the research presented in this book, simple to complex field studies and experiments could be designed at undergraduate and graduate levels to illustrate various biological principles. This accessible book is intended for a diverse audience; as an invaluable reference for researchers who study coastal dune systems and for novice researchers requiring a sound introduction to the subject. This book is suitable for both senior undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in coastal zone management, plant ecology, restoration ecology, and conservation biology, as well as the many professional ecologists and conservation biologists requiring a concise but authoritative overview of the topic. The book also will be of relevance and use to coastal managers, planners, naturalists, and anyone pursuing a greater understanding of coastal sand dunes.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2009

Количество страниц: 280

Добавлена в каталог: 17.12.2015

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