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Ormerod M.G. — Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach |
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3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine 30 240—241
3,3'-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine 31
4-methylumbilleferone 228 229
5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) 32
7-Aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD) 28 144 243 245—246
Acridine orange 28 29 236
Alexa Fluor Green 27
Allophycocyanin 27
Allophycocyanin-cyanine 7
Allophycocyanin-cyanine, conjugate 27
Alu-polymerase chain reaction 200—201
Amplifier linear 17
Amplifier Logarithmic 16—17
Analogue to digital converter (ADC) 17 18
Aneuploid 84
Annexin V 243
Anti-coincidence 51
Anti-lymphocyte globulin (ALG), therapy 111—113
Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), therapy 111—113
Antibody, auto-antibody 105 107
Antibody, staining 70—71
Antibody, titration 72
Apoptosis 235—248
Arc lamp 8
Autofluorescence 69
Basophil 74
Beam splitter 12
Bis-benzimidazole see “Hoechst”
Bis-carboxyethyl-carboxyfluorescein (BCEF) 228
Blocker bar 6 7
Break-off point 49
Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) 137 145—146 159—177 178—188
c-myc 137 143
Calcium Crimson 205—207
Calcium Green 205—207
Calcium ion 31 203—221
Calcium ion, calibration 210—213
Calcium ion, data analysis 213—215
Calcium ion, sorting on the basis of 219—220
Calcium Orange 205—207
Carboxyfluorescein diacetate 228
Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester (CFDA SE) 32
Caspase 32 245
CD (cluster of differentiation) 72
CD, CD14 73 74 75
CD, CD16 73 79
CD, CD19 73 76
CD, CD2 219
CD, CD28 121
CD, CD3 73 76 77 78 79 111 112—113 214
CD, CD3, Cytoplasmic 140
CD, CD34 101—104 126
CD, CD4 17 19 67 73 77 145 246
CD, CD45 73 74 75 101—104 112—113 140
CD, CD5 219
CD, CD56 73 79 116
CD, CD68 137
CD, CD69 116
CD, CD79a, cytoplasmic 140
CD, CD8 67 73 78 121 246
Cell activation 116—117
Cell count 112
Cell cycle 83—84
Cell cycle, analysis 93—96
Cell cycle, kinetics 160—162
Cell cycle, time 160 174—176
Cell death, associated proteins 153
Cell fixation 82 89 134—141
Cell loading 28
Cell loss 160—161
Cell lysis 89
Cell permeability 243 244—255
Cell permeabilization 134—142; see also “Electropermeabilisation”
Cell permeabilization with detergents 136
Cell proliferation 179—188
Cell sorting 249—251; see “Sorting viability”
Cell stabilization 127
Cell staining see “Antibody staining”
Cell with alcohols 135 136
Cell with aldehydes 135 136
Chlorodeoxyuridine 170
Chloromethyl benzoyl amino tetramethylrhodamine (CMTMR) 32
Chloromethyl-X rhosamine 30
Chromomycin 28 29 189—191
Chromosome 189—201
Chromosome, paints 198—201
Chromosome, preparation 192—196
Chromosome, sorting 196—198
Cisplatin 184—185
Clumps of cells 86—87
CM-Dil 31 32
Coefficient of variation (cv) 85
Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) 121—122
Compensation 67—68
Control isotype 80
Crossmatching 109—111
Cy-chrome see “Phycoerythrin-cyanine5”
Cyanine dyes 28—30 223
Cyclin 143 145 149—151
Cyclosporin A 255—256
Cytogram 18 19—20
Cytokeratin 143 148—149
Cytokine 117—122 145—146 147
Cytoskeleton 148
Cytotoxicity, cell-mediated 114—117
DAPI see “Diamino-2-phenylindole”
Data analysis 18—21
Daunomycin 255—256
Degenerate oligonucleotide-primed PCR (DOP-PCR) 192 198—200
Detector, solid state 15
Diacetoxy-dicyanobenzene (ADB) 228 229
Diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) 28
Dichlorodihydrofluorescein 26 32
Dichlorofluorescin 26 32
Dichroic mirror 12
Dicyanohydroquinone (DCH) 228
Dihydrodichlorofluorescein 254
Dihydroethidium 32 254
Dihydrofluorescein 254
Dihydrorhodamine 123 32 254
Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine 31 32
Diploid 84
Discriminator 16
DNA 28—29 81 83—97 140
DNA and intracellular antigens 143—145 148—151
DNA and surface marker 81—82
DNA denaturation 167—169
DNA histogram 84—97 237
DNA histogram, deconvolution 93—96
DNA index (DI) 84
Dot plot 18
Drop delay 50 53
Droplet formation 49—51
Droplet satellite 49
Electropermeabilisation 251—253
Electroporation 251
Energy transfer 3 24—25
Enzyme, intracellular 147
Eosinophil 74
Esterase 28 204 249
Ethidium bromide (EB) 28
External quality assurance survey (EQAS) 126 130—131
Fibroblast 184—185
Filter, bandpass 12
Filter, coloured glass 11
Filter, dichroic 12
Filter, edge 11
Filter, interference 11
Filter, long wavelength pass 12
| Filter, optical 11
Filter, short wavelength pass 12
Flow cell see “Flow chamber”
Flow chamber 5—7
Flow chamber for sorting 7
Flow chamber, analytical 6
Fluidics 3
Fluo-3 31 205—206 208—209 215—217 232
Fluo-4 205—206 208—209 217
Fluorescein 24 26 27
Fluorescein #di-\beta-D#-galactopyraniside 32
Fluorescein, diacetate (FDA) 26 28 228 249—253
Fluorescein, isothiocyanate (FITC) 26
Fluorescence 23—25
Fluorescence, quantum efficiency 24
Fluorescence, quenching 24
Fura Red 31 205 215—217
Galactosidase 32
Gate, light scatter 75
Gating 19
Glutathione 255 257—258
Granulocyte 18 37 74
Granulocyte, reactive antibody 104—106
Green fluorescent protein 33
Growth fraction 160
Haemoglobin, fetal 148
Heat shock protein 153
Histogram bivariate see “Cytogram”
Histogram, frequency 18
HIV 77 80
HLA-B27 126 128
Hoechst 33258 179—188 189—191
Hoechst 33342 28 29 90 236 243 255
Hormone 148
Hormone, receptor 148
Human platelet antigens (HPA) 107
Hydrodynamic focusing 3
Hydroxyanisole 172—173
Hydroxycoumarin see “4-methylumbilleferone”
Hydroxyurea 172—173
Immunodeficiency disease 122
Immunoglobulin, cytoplasmic 137
Immunophenotyping 73—80
Indo-1 31 204—215 217—221
Instrument resolution 68—70
Instrument sensitivity 68—70
Instrument standardization 63—68
Interferon-gamma 121—122
Interleukin-2 138
Iododeoxyuridine 170—171
ISEL 236
Isotype control 76 77 80—81 143
JC-1 30 240
Jet-in-air 7
Karyotype 189—191
Ki-67 137 151—153
Kidney 38—39
Labelling index 161 175
lacZ gene 32
Laser 8—10
Laser beam shape 10
LDS-751 28 29
Lenses, focussing laser 10
Leucocyte 18 19 36—39 64 74 253—254
Leukaemia 62
Levey — Jennings plot 66
Light scatter 10 18 20 64 75 92—93
Lipid 30
Liposome 142
List-mode 20
Lung, rat 40
Lymphoblastoid cell line 185 190
Lymphocyte 18 19 74 182
Lymphocyte, B lymphocyte 76
Lymphocyte, peripheral blood 190
Lymphocyte, reactive antibody 104—106
Lymphocyte, T lymphocyte 76 77—78 113 246
Lymphoid tissue 38
Lymphoma 191
Magnesium ion 222
MDR-associated protein 255
Membrane permeability 243 244—245
Membrane potential 29—30 222—227
Merocyanine 540 30
microwave 137—138
Minimal residual disease1 29
Mithramycin 29
Mitochondrion, membrane potential 30 240—242
Mitotic cell antigens 151
MitoTracker Green FM 31 33 242
MitoTracker RED CMXRos 30 242
Mixed lymphocyte reaction 116—117
Monobromobimane 257
Monochlorobimane 257
Monocyte 18 74 77
Multi-drug resistance (MDR) 254—258
Myeloperoxidase 140
Nile Red 31
NK cells 74 77—79
Nucleus 91 93
Octadecyl aminofluorescein 26
Octadecyl fluorescein 32
Oestrogen receptor 138 139
Oncogene-encoded antigens 154
Optics, collection 10
Oregon Green BAPTA 205 207
Oxidative burst 253—254
Oxidative species 32 253
Oxonol dyes 29 223
p-glycoprotein pump 255
p53 139 143
Paraffin-embedded tissue 91—93 139
PerCP see “Peridinin chlorophyll”
Peridinin chlorophyll (PerCP) 27
Periodate-lysine-formaldehyde (PLP) 137
Peripheral blood 35—45
PH calibration 232
PH cytoplasmic 32 227—232
Phase angle 52
Phase gating 52
Phosphatidyl serine (PS) 243—244
Photomultiplier 13 15
Phycoeiythrin-cyanine5 (Cy-chrome) 27
Phycoeiythrin-cyanine7 27
Phycoeiythrin-TexasRed (ECD) 27
Phycoerythrin 27
PIN diode 13 15
PKH26 31 32 114—116
pl05 136 139 151
Platelets 36
Platelets, reactive antibodies 107—108
Ploidy 84; see also “Diploid” “Aneuploid”
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 191—192
Population assignment 72
Potential doubling time 161 174—176
Preamplifier 16
Progesterone receptor 138 139
Proliferating nuclear antigen (PCNA) 136 138—139 143 153
Propidium iodide (PI) 28—29 87—93 144 238—244 249—253
Pulse processing 16
Pyronin Y 28
Quality control 61 85 125—131
Quin2 204
Radiation, gamma 184—185
Ratiometric analysis 204 213—216
Relative movement 174—176
Reporter molecule 33
Reticulocyte 99—101
Rhodamine 110 31 33
Rhodamine 123 30 240
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