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Goldman R. — Pyramid algorithms: a dynamic programming approach to curves and surfaces
Goldman R. — Pyramid algorithms: a dynamic programming approach to curves and surfaces

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Название: Pyramid algorithms: a dynamic programming approach to curves and surfaces

Автор: Goldman R.


Pyramid Algorithms presents a unique approach to understanding, analyzing, and computing the most common polynomial and spline curve and surface schemes used in computer-aided geometric design, employing a dynamic programming method based on recursive pyramids. The recursive pyramid approach offers the distinct advantage of revealing the entire structure of algorithms, as well as relationships between them, at a glance. This book-the only one built around this approach-is certain to change the way you think about CAGD and the way you perform it, and all it requires is a basic background in calculus and linear algebra, and simple programming skills. * Written by one of the world's most eminent CAGD researchers * Designed for use as both a professional reference and a textbook, and addressed to computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians, theoreticians, and students alike * Includes chapters on Bezier curves and surfaces, B-splines, blossoming, and multi-sided Bezier patches * Relies on an easily understood notation, and concludes each section with both practical and theoretical exercises that enhance and elaborate upon the discussion in the text * Foreword by Professor Helmut Pottmann, Vienna University of Technology

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 572

Добавлена в каталог: 04.12.2015

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