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Oliver R.W.A. (ed.) — HPLC of Macromolecules, a Practical Approach |
Предметный указатель |
-lactoglobulin, IEC 102 112 124
3-Phosphoglycerate kinase, AC 178
Acetylcholinesterase (eel), AC 178
Affinin chromatoaraphy 157—182 209—227
Albumins, IEC 105
Albumins, SEC 6
Alcohol dehydrogenase, SEC 7
Alkaline phosphatase, IEC 122
Angiotensin I&II, IEC 12
Angiotensin I&II, RP 19
Apolipoproteins, IEC 122
ATPase, SEC 55
Bacteriorhodopsin, SEC 83
Biocompatibility (of HPLC instruments) 73—75 114
Blood platelet membrane proteins, SEC 83
Bovine serum albumin, AC 179
Bovine serum albumin, HA 22
Bovine serum albumin, SEC 82
Bradykinin, RP 19
Calmodulin, IEC 103 122
Carbonic anhydrase, AC 179
Chymotrypsin, AC 180
Chymotrypsin, HIC 20
Chymotrypsinogen, AC 180
Chymotrypsinogen, HIC 20
Chymotrypsinogen, SEC 6
Column types, affinity 22—27 157—175 219—222
Column types, hydrophobic interaction 20—21
Column types, hydroxyapatite 20—22
Column types, ion-exchange 7—12 102—105 184—187
Column types, lectin (affinity) 220—222
Column types, reversed-phase 12—19 136—140 188—189
Column types, size-exclusion 2—7 79—80 190
Columns, efficiency 40 119 130—131
Columns, guard 41
Columns, maintenance 88 117
Columns, packing 36—37 174—175 222
Columns, regeneration 40—41 111—112
Columns, suppliers 229—235
Columns, test mixtures 38 75 82 100
Columns, test procedures 38—40 80—82
Conalbumin, IEC 13 102
Creatine kinase, IEC 122
Cytochromes, HA 22
Cytochromes, HIC 20
Cytochromes, IEC 112 124
Cytochromes, SEC 6 83
Detectors, design 59—62
Detectors, suppliers 229—235
Detectors, types 61 135—136
Diacylglycerol kinase, SEC 83
Distribution coefficient 2 77
DNA, IEC 204
Eledosin, RP 19
ELISA (detectors) 86
Flow-thro cells, pH 96
Flow-thro cells, UV 66—67
Fraction collectors 136
Globins, RP 18
Globulin, SEC 8 9
Glucocerebrosidase, SEC 83
Glycopeptides, AC 216
| Gradient formers 54—55 191
Haemoglobins, IEC 122
Hexokinase, AC 178
Human erythrocyte ghosts, SEC 83
Human serum albumin, AC 179
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) 20—21 128
Hydroxyapatite chromatograpy (HA) 20—22
Immunoglobulins, AC/IEC 27—29
Immunoglobulins, IEC 100 105
Injector (sample) design 55—58
Instrumentation 43—76 93—97 191—194
Instrumentation, assessment of 69—70 75
Instrumentation, suppliers of 229—235
Insulins, RP 19 151 154—155
Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC) 7—12 91—126 184—187
L-Lactate dehydrogenase, AC 176 182
Lymphotoxins, SEC 83
Lysozyme, AC 180
Lysozyme, HA 22
Lysozyme, HIC 20
Lysozyme, IEC 101
Mobile phases 82—84 97—98 140—145 193
Myoglobin, AC 180
Myoglobin, HIC 20
Myoglobin, IEC 13
Myoglobin, SEC 8 9
Neurophysins, RP 152 155
Neurotensin, RP 19
Numbers (of theoretical plates) 40
Oligodeoxy nucleo tides, IEC/RP 196—202
Oligonucleotides, IEC/RP 30—32 195—196
Oligosaccharides, AC 216
Oligosaccharides, IEC 32—35
Oxytocin, RP 19
Phosphorylated oligodeoxynucleotides, IEC/RP 196—201
Plasma membrane proteins, IEC 122
Plasma membrane proteins, SEC 83
Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 84
Preparative HPLC 149 182
Pumps 134
Pumps, design 48—54
Reversed-phase chromatography (RP) 127—156 187—188
Rhodopsin, SEC 83
Ribonuclease, AC 180
Ribonuclease, HIC 20
Ribonuclease, SEC 7 82
Sample, preparation 101 135 194
Sample, radiolabelling 218—219
Separations see individual entries
Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 77—89 190—191
Soyabean trypsin inhibitor, IEC 13
Soyabean trypsin inhibitor, SEC 82
Temperature 59 150
Thyroglobulin, SEC 7—9
Thyrotropin, RP 154—156
Transferrin, AC 179
Transferrin, IEC 105
Trypsin (in pancreatin), RP 153
UV detectors 62—66
UV detectors, test for 67
Viral proteins, IEC 122
Viral proteins, SEC 83
Vitamin B-12, SEC 8 9
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