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Ormerod M.G. — Flow Cytometry
Ormerod M.G. — Flow Cytometry

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Название: Flow Cytometry

Автор: Ormerod M.G.


Flow cytometry is an increasingly widely used technique for measuring the properties of single cells and for separating cells and sub-cellular particles. An understanding of this technology is becoming essential for many non-specialists. Flow Cytometry is a practical guide to the instrumentation and the application of this method in mammalian cell biology. Information is included on fluorescence and immunofluorescence, DNA analysis, chromosome analysis and sorting, study of cell proliferation and death, and choice of instrument. Flow Cytometry is essential reading for all workers wishing to use this technique, whether cell biologists, immunologists or pathologists.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 77

Добавлена в каталог: 20.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\alpha$-Naphthol      54
3, 3'-dioctadecylindocarbocyanine      60
4-Methylumbilliferone      54
7-Aminoactinomycin D (7-AAD)      36 47
Acridine orange      18 53 59
Adriamycin      55
AIDS      24
Allophycocyanin      17
Amplifier, intracellular      37
Amplifier, linear      8 12
Amplifier, linearity      9
Amplifier, logarithmic      8 12
Amplifier, nuclear      24 37
Amplifier, surface      25 36
Analogue to digital converter (ADC)      9
Aneuploid      10 43
Antibody      16—17 21 23 25 47 55
Antigen, cytoplasmic      24
Apoptosis      48—51
Arc lamp      5
Autofluorescence      24
Avidin      17 23
Back-gating      22—23
Biotin      17 23 49
Bis-benzimidazole      see Hoechst
Break-off point      13
Breast carcinoma      9—11 43
Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)      10 16 39—47
Calcium ion      19 56—57
CD (cluster designation)      23
CD (cluster designation), CD 14      22—23
CD (cluster designation), CD 4      25
CD (cluster designation), CD 45      22—23
Cell cycle      29 32—34 39—47
Cell cycle, time      42
Cell, clustering      60
Cell, death      47—51
Cell, fusion      60
Cell, proliferation      39—47
Cell, sorting      see Sorting cell
Cell, tracking      59
Cells, asynchronous      44—47
Cells, synchronous      44—45
Chlorodeoxyuridine      40
Chromatin structure      50 54
Chromomycin $A_3$      18 58
Chromosome      58—59
Cisplatin      34—36 46
Clumps of cells      31—33
Coefficient of variation (cv)      12 31
Control      25
Control quality      26 31
Coumarin      17
Cy-chrome      see Phycoerythrin-cyanine5
Cyanine dye      54
Cytogram      9—10
DAPI      see Diamino-2-phenylindole
Daunomycin      55
Dead cells      23 36 48 50—51
Dexamethasone      50
Diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)      18
Dichlorofluorescin      55
Diploid      10 29 31 43
DNA      10—11 15 18 29—51 53 55 58—60
Drug uptake      55
Electronic threshold      see Electronic trigger
Electronic trigger      8
Electropermeabilization      60—61
Electroporation      60
Endocytosis      56
Energy transfer      15
Enzyme, intracellular      54
Enzyme, kinetics      54
Eosinophil      23
Erythrocyte lysis      23
Esterase      19 48 55
Ethidium bromide (EB)      18
Etoposide      50
Fibroblast      44
Filter, optical      7
Filter, optical, bandpass      7 16
Filter, optical, dichroic      7
fixation      24 36
Flow cell      3—4
Flow cell, cuvette      4
Flow cell, stream-in-air      4
Fluorescein      15—17 21 24 36 47 50 54 56 59
Fluorescein diacetate (FDA)      19 47—48 54 60
Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)      17 23—24 37 53—54
Fluorescence quenching      16 30
Galactosidase      54
Gating      9—11
Glutathione      57
Granulocyte      22—23
Histogram, bivariate      9
Histogram, DNA      11 29—36 39 49
Histogram, univariate      9
Hoechst 33258      18 42—47 58
Hoechst 33342      16 18 19 30 36 42 50—51 53 55 59
Immunoglobulin      17 23
Indo-1      19 56
Iododeoxyuridine      40
Ionizing radiation      55
Labelling index      42
lacZ gene      54
Laser      5
Laser, argon-ion      5 30
Laserbeam profile      6
LaserHe-Cd      5 44
LDS-751      24
Lenses, crossed cylindrical pair      5
Light scatter      35—36 48 53
Light scatter, forward      6 10 11 36 50—51
Light scatter, right angle or orthogonal      10 11
Listed data      9
Lymphocyte      10 22 44—45
Magnesium ion      20
Membrane, permeability      50 54
Membrane, potential      54
MESF      see Molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome
Methyl green      53
Mithramycin      18
Mitochondria      55
Molecules of equivalent soluble fluorochrome (MESF)      25
Monochlorobimane      58
Monocyte      22
Multi-drug resistance      55
Necrosis      48
Neutrophil      55
Nick translation      49
Nucleus      9—11 30
Obscuration bar      4
Octadecyl aminofluorescein      60
Octadecyl cyanines      61
Octadecyl fluorescein      60
Octadecyl rhodamine      60
Oxidative burst      55
Oxidative species      55
p53      37
Percent labelled mitoses      42
PerCP      see Peridinin chlorophyll
Peridinin chlorophyll (PerCP)      17
Ph      20 56—57
Photomultiplier      8
Phycoerythrin      15—17 21 23 36 47
Phycoerythrin-cyanine5 (Cy-chrome)      17 21
Phycoerythrin-Texas Red (ECD)      15 17 21
Ploidy      29 32 see
Propidium iodide (PI)      9—11 15 18 30 33—37 41 43 44—51 60
Protease      54
Pulse shape analysis      8 32
Pyronin Y      18 53
Quality control      see Control quality
Receptor-ligand complex      56
Relative movement      42
Reporter molecule      19 54
Reticulocyte      53
Rhodamine      56 59
Rhodamine 123      55
RNA      18 53
Sheath fluid      4
SNARF-1      56—57
Sorting cell      12—14
Sorting chromosome      58
Spectral overlap      7 16
Standard deviation (SD)      12
Standards, DNA      31
Standards, fluorescence      26
Stream-in-air      4
Streptavidin      17
Sulphorhodamine 101      53
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)      49—50
Texas red      16—17
Thiazole orange      53
Thymocyte      10 50—51
Verapamil      55
Viability      47
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