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Balkwill F. (ed.) — Cytokine Molecular Biology |
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5' Nuclease assay 36—38
Acidic Smase 150
Allelic discrimination methods 25—29
Amino-acid sequence analysis 81—84
Antibodies to study cell, signalling 107—108 112—115 119 122
Antisense asymmetric RNA probes 63—64
Association studies for disease-causing alleles 40—43
Auto-Kinase assay 116—117
Autographa californica MNPV vector 11
Automated protein sequences 81—82
Autoradiography in situ hybridisation 70—71
BLAST program 9
Blastocyst injection 176—180
Bradford assay 110
Case control studies for gene polymorphism 23—25 40—41
cDNA assays 48
cDNA libraries 1—20
cDNA synthesis 2—3 16 58—59
Cell signalling see receptor signalling
Ceramide 134 136—137
Charring densitometry 146—148
Chemical synthesis of chemokines see peptide synthesis
Chemokines - purification 73—88
Chimaeric mice 155—188
CHO cells 11
Cloning of cytokine genes 1—20
Cloning of cytokine genes, IFN- receptors 100—101
Cloning of cytokine genes, IFN-7 receptor 98—100
Conditional gene targeting 180—186
Contamination in PCR-based techniques 38—39
COS cells 10
Covalent crosslinking of ligand to receptor 96—97
CPG 75—79
Cre recombinase 180—186
Cre-expressing transgenic lines 183—186
Crosslinking of ligand to receptor 96—97
Cysteine residue modification 84—85
Cytosolic extracts 126—127
Dag 134 136—137
DNase treatment of RNA 51—53
Egg transfer for transgenic mice 160—161
Electrotransformation of E. coli 5
Embryonic stem cells 153 88
EMSA 125—130
ES cells see embryonic stem cells
EST databases 9
Expression of cytokine genes 1—20
Expression of cytokine genes, bacterial systems 5 7 14—16
Expression of cytokine genes, insect cells 11
Expression of cytokine genes, lower eukaryotes 12—14
Expression of cytokine genes, mammalian cells 7
Expression of cytokine genes, permanent expression 10—11
Expression of cytokine genes, transient expression 10
Expression vectors 4 10—16
Fluorescence-based allelic, discrimination 35—36
G proteins 105—107
GAPDH control 52
Gel retardation assay see EMSA
Genetic variation of cytokine loci see polymorphisms of cytokine genes
Genomic DNA preparation 27—28
Haplotype relative-risk analysis 41
HEK293T cells 10
Immunoprecipitation 114—115
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA 62—72
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, antisense probes 65
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, autoradiography 70—71
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, controls 64—65
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, counterstaining 71—72
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, dark field microscopy 71—72
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, DNA probes 67—68
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, hybridisation 68—69
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, Interpretation 71—72
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, posthybridisation 69—70
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, prehybridisation 63 66—67
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, probe choice 63—64
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, probe labelling 67—68
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, sample handling 63
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, sample preparation 66—67
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, sense probes 65
In situ hybridisation to cytokine mRNA, slide preparation 65
In vitro kinase assay 115—116 112—113
Inflammatory diseases 21—46
Interferon- cloning 14
Interferon- , control for northern blotting 52
Interferon- , expression 11
Interleukin-2(IL-2), cloning 13 14
Interleukin-2(IL-2), control for northern blotting 52
Interleukin-4(IL-4) cloning 14
Interleukin-5(IL-5) expression 13
Interleukin-6(IL-6), control for northern blotting 52
Interleukin-6(IL-6), expression 11 13—14
Interleukin-l(IL-l), control for northern blotting 52
Interleukin-l(IL-l), genetic polymoprohisms 21—46
Internal sequence analysis 83—84
Jak kinases 105 114—115
Knockout mice 166—188
Knockout mice, blastocyst injection 176—180
Knockout mice, chimaeric mice generation 179
Knockout mice, conditional gene targeting 180—186
Knockout mice, electroporation of DNA 171—172
Knockout mice, embryonic stem (ES) cells 167—168
Knockout mice, extraction of DNA 175—176
Knockout mice, feeder cell layers 168—169
Knockout mice, freezing ESC clones 173—174
Knockout mice, gene targeting ES 169—171
Knockout mice, germline chimeras 176—180
Knockout mice, lacZ assays 184—186
Knockout mice, picking and expansion of ESC cells 172—173
Knockout mice, storage and recovery of ESC cells 174—175
LacZ activity 184—188
Lipid extraction 140—141
Lipidkinases 105—107
Lysis of cells 109—111
MAPK pathway activity 119—123
Metabolic cell labelling 139—140
MHC and immune response 21 23
Microinjection 156—160
MlP- 73
Neutral Smase 149
Non-parametric linkage analysis 42—43
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA 52—58
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, blotting 54—55
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, electrophoresis 53—54
| Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, handling RNA 48—49
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, hybridisation 58—58
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, isolation of RNA 49—51
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, preparation of RNA 48—49
Northern analysis of cytokine mRNA, probe labelling 55—56
Nuclear protein extracts 126—127
Oligonucleotide screening 8
Oocyte expression of cytokines 5—6
Oocyte recovery 158—159
PC-specific phosphlipase C 133—153
PCR for hybridisation probes 9
PCR reaction 59—61
PCR-grade DNA preparation 26—27
PCR-RFLPgenotyping 29—34
Peptide synthesis 85—88
Peptide synthesis, solid phase 87—88
Percill preparation, phospholipase D 133—154
Phosphatidyl choline 133—154
Phosphatidylcholine-specific, phospholipase C 133—154
Phosphotyrosine western blotting 112—115
Pkhiapastoris 13
Polymerase chain reaction 28—29
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA 58—61
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA, cDNA synthesis 58—59
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA, cycle parameters 50—61
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA, primers 60
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA, reaction 59—60
Polymerase chain reaction for cytokine mRNA, verification 61
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes 21—46
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, case control studies for TNF and IL-1 gene polymophism 23—25
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, genetic variation at IL-1 and TNF loci 21—23
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, methods for allelic discrimination in IL-1 and TNF gene clusters 25—26
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, quality controls 38—39
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, screening 30—36
Polymorphisms of cytokine genes, study design 39—43
Primers for cytokine RT-PCR 60
Protein fragmentation for internal sequence analysis 83—84
Protein purification 73—88
Purification of cytokines and chemokines 73—88
Purification of cytokines and chemokines, adsorption to CPG 75—80
Purification of cytokines and chemokines, adsorption to silicic acid 79—81
Purification of cytokines and chemokines, purification of chemokines from natural sources 75—81
Purification of cytokines and chemokines, sequence analysis 81—85
Radiolabelling, consensus oligonucleotides 127—129
Radiolabelling, cytokines 90—92
Radiolabelling, probes 55—56
Receptor signalling 105—153
Receptor signalling, acidic Smase 150
Receptor signalling, auto-kinase assay 116—117
Receptor signalling, ceramide 134 136—137
Receptor signalling, charring densitometry 146—148
Receptor signalling, cytostolic extracts 126—127
Receptor signalling, DAG 134 138—143
Receptor signalling, determination of cell lysate protein concentration 111
Receptor signalling, EMSA 125—126 129—130
Receptor signalling, inhibitors 108
Receptor signalling, JAK kinase activity 114—115
Receptor signalling, lipid extraction 140—141
Receptor signalling, MAPK pathway activity 119—120
Receptor signalling, metabolic cell labelling 139—140
Receptor signalling, neutral Smase 149
Receptor signalling, nuclear protein extracts 126—127
Receptor signalling, PC-specific phospholipase C 133—153
Receptor signalling, phosphotyrosine western blotting 112—114
Receptor signalling, preparation of cells for signalling studies 108—111
Receptor signalling, radiolabelling consensus oligonucleotides 127—129
Receptor signalling, serine-threonine kinases 118—119
Receptor signalling, sphingomyelinases 133—153
Receptor signalling, Src kinase assays 118
Receptor signalling, thin-layer chromatography for detection of DAG 141—143
Receptor signalling, thin-layer chromatography for detection of Pchol 143—145
Receptor signalling, transcription factor assay 123—124
Receptor signalling, tyrosine phosphorylation and tyrosine kinases 111—114
Receptor-binding studies 89—104
Receptor-binding studies, binding of ligand 93—95
Receptor-binding studies, covalent crosslinking 96—97
Receptor-binding studies, radiolabelling interferon 91—92
Receptor-binding studies, scatchard analysis 94
Ribonuclease protection assay 61—62
RNA 1—4 47—72
RNA, conversion to cDNA 2—3
RNA, in situ hybridisation 62—72
RNA, Northern blotting 51—57
RNA, preparation 1—2 48—52
RNA, ribonuclease protection assay 61—62
RT-PCR for cytokine mRNA 58—61
Saccharomyces cerevisiae secretion system 12
Scatchard analysis 94
Serine/threonine kinases 118—119
Signalling from cytokine receptors see receptor Signalling
Silicic acid 75—76
Slot blots of tail DNA 163—164
Solid-phase peptide synthesis 87—88
Sphingomyelinases 133—153
Spodopterafrugiperda-derived cell lines 11
Src kinases 105 118
STAT transcription factors 124—130
Syk kinases 105
TagMan allelic discrimination 36—38
Tail DNA preparation 162—163
Tec kinases 105
Thin layer chromatography 141—145
TRAFs 105
Transcription factors 105—107 123—130
Transgenic mice 155—188
Transgenic mice, animals 155—156
Transgenic mice, egg transfer 160—161
Transgenic mice, integration / expression transgenes 161—162
Transgenic mice, micromjection 159—160
Transgenic mice, PCR screening 165
Transgenic mice, pronuclear injection of DNA 157—158
Transgenic mice, purification of DNA 156—157
Transgenic mice, recovery of oocytes 158—159
Transgenic mice, slot blots of tail DNA 163—164
Transgenic mice, tail DNA preparation 162—163
Transmission/disequilibrium tests (TDT) 41—43
Tumour necrosis factors (TNFs), genetic polymorphism 21—46
Tumour necrosis factors (TNFs), signalling pathways 105—132
Tyrosine kinases 105—131
Tyrosine phosphorylation 105—131
Western blotting 112—114 119—123
Xenopus laevis oocytes 5—6 90 94—95
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