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Bakst A. — Mathematics, its magic and mastery
Bakst A. — Mathematics, its magic and mastery

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Название: Mathematics, its magic and mastery

Автор: Bakst A.


This book is a great way to learn some of the interesting aspects of numbers. Among some of the subjects covered include numbering systems, ciphers, angles, dimensions, and of course, algebra.

As Mr. Bakst puts it in his preface, "This book is designed to make mathematics interesting. The science is not treated formally; abstract conceptions and uninteresting and abstruse procedures are completely avoided; yet at the same time the book is sufficiently complete so as to give a broad picture of mathematical fundamentals. Mathematics, in order to be appreciated by those who do not have a flare for the intangible must be seen in the light of its versatility in the various fields of human endeavor. This is very much the central theme of this book".

Sure, there are little tricks and amusing concepts, Mr. Bakst has also designed this book to help the reader to understand mathematical processes in a relatively easy way.

If math is not really your thing, this may be a good way to become more interested. I am not too great when it comes to math, but I treasure this book and have learned a lot (I actually own two! One I keep a home, and the other at work).

Some of the information is a little dated (the section on slide rules comes to mind), and some is a little too advanced-however, as I understand more, things will become clearer (I'm sure those a little more adept at math will find it an easy read).
Read more at http://ebookee.org/Mathematics-Its-Magic-and-Mystery_1108163.html#xU892Hv1b6bcgfAQ.99

Язык: en

Рубрика: Разное/

Статус предметного указателя: Неизвестно

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Год издания: 1967

Количество страниц: 804

Добавлена в каталог: 19.10.2015

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