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van der Loos C.M. — Immunoenzyme Multiple Staining Methods |
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-Galactosidase 3 43—45 47 49 53 63 97 95—96 100
-Galactosidase, Bluo-GAL 43—45 47 96
-Galactosidase, X-GAL 12 43—45 49 53 95 97
Adobe Photoshop 49
Alkaline phosphatase 3 43—48 53 57 63 83 94—95 97
Alkaline phosphatase, endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity 52
Alkaline phosphatase, Fast Blue 43—47 53 65 94
Alkaline phosphatase, Fast Red 12 43—47 83 90 94 97
Alkaline phosphatase, NBT/BCIP 12 43—46 61 90 95 97
Alkaline phosphatase, New Fuchsin 43—45 47 49 95 97
Alkaline phosphatase, Vector Red 43—45 47—48 97
Aminoethylcarbazole 12 43—47 60—61 65 93 97
Animal Research Kit (ARK) 41 103
Antibody tracers, enzymes 3
Antibody tracers, fluorochromes 13 57 84 87—88 103
Antibody, primary, dilution 43
Antibody, primary, Ig isotype and IgG subclass 14—15 38 63 86
Antibody, primary, replacement 39
Antibody, primary, two IgGl 39 41
Antigen retrieval 2—3 12 43 60—61 77 78 80 90
APAAP 5 35 42 52 86 88
Apoptosis 8 59 62
Biotin label 13 34 41 88 103
Biotin label, endogenous biotin 42—43 52
Biotin-(strept)avidin 4 42—43 65 87
Bluo-GAL 43—45 47 96
Card 4
Chromogens, accuracy 43—44 46—48 57
Chromogens, mounting media 46—49
Chromogens, order of development 53 64—65
Chromogens, selection 51—53
Chromogens, sensitivity/efficiency 42—43 53 94
Chromogens, shielding 11—12 53 59
Co-localization, definition 7—8
Co-localization, mixed-colours 8 38 46—48 61
Co-localization, restrictions 57
Co-localization, triple staining 63—64
Colour combinations 36 44—49 51—53 61—62 64—65 103
Conjugation 3 9
Conjugation, -galactosidase 101
Conjugation, biotin 41 99
Conjugation, digoxigenin 99
Conjugation, FITC 41 100
Cryostat sections 2 37 52 79
Detection systems 3 5
Detection systems, sensitivity/efficiency 14—15 42 57
Diaminobenzidin 11—12 43—46 52—53 59 61—62 65 83 90 93 97
Digoxigenin 42 61 99
Double staining, aims 8
Double staining, concepts 11—15 34—36
Double staining, controls 38
Double staining, demands 9
Double staining, imaging 49
Double staining, multi-step 15 34—36 45 87—88
Double staining, protocols 83—88
Double staining, sequential 11—12 39 45 59—61 83 103
Double staining, simultaneous 13—15 45 84—87
Double staining, strategy 37—38
Endogenous, alkaline phosphatase activity 52
Endogenous, biotin 42—43 52
| Endogenous, immunoglobulins 41 104
Endogenous, peroxidase activity 47 52 79
Endogenous, tissue pigments 52
EnVision 4 12 14—15 35 41 42 52 83 88 90
Epi-polarization microscopy 5 43 48 89
EPOS 4 12 34 36 42 52 84 88 103
Fast Blue 43—47 53 65 94
Fast Red 12 43—47 83 90 94 97
Fixation, coagulant 2—3
Fixation, cross-linking 2—3
Fluorescent alkaline phosphatase 5 48 57
Formalin 2—3 52 79
Immunoelectron microscopy 9
Immunofluorescence 1 5—6 8 57 64
Immunogold-silver 4—5 11 43 48 57 89
Immunohistochemistry, definition 1
Immunohistochemistry, history 1—6
Immunohistochemistry, single staining 37 79 80
In situ hybridization 6 8 60 61 64
Methacarn 2—3 78 80
Multiple staining, general 6
Multiple staining, getting started 103
Multiple staining, strategy 37—38
NBT/BCIP 12 43—46 61 90 95 97
New Fuchsin 43—45 47 49 95 97
Nuclear counterstain, haematoxylin 47 48 65
Nuclear counterstain, methylgreen 46 62 78
Paraffin sections 2—3 37 52 80
Paraffin sections, antigen retrieval 2—3 12 43 60 61 77 78 80 90
Paraffin sections, pretreatments 1—3 80
Peroxidase 1 3 11 43—47 52—53 60 63 83 93—94 97
Peroxidase, aminoethylcarbazole 12 43—47 53 60—61 65 93 97
Peroxidase, diaminobenzidin 11—12 43—46 52—53 59 61—62 65 83 90 93 97
Peroxidase, endogenous peroxidase activity 47 52 79
Peroxidase, tetramethylbenzidin 43—45 47 94 97
Selection of, colour combinations 36 44—49 51 53 103
Selection of, detection system 41—44
Selection of, double staining concept 39—41
Sensitivity/efficiency, chromogens 42—43
Sensitivity/efficiency, detection systems 42
Sensitivity/efficiency, too low 14 15 52—53 57
Serial sections 7
Silver enhancement 4—5 48 89 97
Single staining 37 79 80
Substrates see chromogens
Tetramethylbenzidin 43—45 47 94 97
Tissue sections, cryostat 2 37 52 79
Tissue sections, fixation 1—2
Tissue sections, paraffin 2—3 37 52 80
Tissue sections, pretreatments 1—3 80
Tissue sections, storage 79
Triple staining 6 38 63—65
Trouble shooting 51 54—56 104—105
TUNEL 8 59—62 77 78 90
Ultra-small gold 4—5 48
Ultra-small gold, epi-polarization 5 43 48
Ultra-small gold, silver enhancement 4—5 48 89 97
Vector Red 43—45
X-GAL 12 43—45 47 49 53 60 65 95 97
Zamboni 2 78 79
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