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Granneman S. — Linux Phrasebook |
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! (bang) 2nd
" (quotation marks)
" (quotation marks), in regular expressions
" (quotation marks), single quotes (')
$( ) (command substitution)
&& (double ampersand)
* (asterisk) 2nd 3rd
- (dash)
-R (dash R) option to commands
. (period)
.so (shared object) file
/ (forward slash)
: (colon)
; (semicolon)
< > (angle brackets)
< > (angle brackets), double right angle brackets
< > (angle brackets), right angle brackets
? (question mark)
alias, permanent aliases
alias, removing aliases
alias, temporary aliases
alias, viewing specific command aliases
angle brackets (< >)
angle brackets (< >), double right angle brackets
angle brackets (< >), right angle brackets
apropos command
apt utility
apt utility, apt configuration file
apt utility, apt-cache search command
apt utility, apt-get clean command
apt utility, apt-get install command
apt utility, apt-get remove command
apt utility, apt-get upgrade command
apt utility, Get and Ign
apt utility, sudo and
apt utility, troubleshooting
archiving 2nd 3rd 4th
archiving, bzip2 command
archiving, gzip command
archiving, tar command [See tar command.]
archiving, zip command
asterisk (*) 2nd 3rd
backslash (/)
backtick (`)
backups, and secure transfer between hosts
backups, cp command, using
bang (!) 2nd
bash shell
bunzip command
bunzip2 command
bzip2 command 2nd
case sensitivity, filenames
cat command
cd command
chgrp command
chmod command
chmod command, -R option
chmod command, alphabetic notation
chmod command, numeric notation
chmod command, sgid, setting and clearing
chmod command, sticky bit , setting and clearing
chmod command, suid, setting and clearing
chown command
colon (:)
color-coded output, ls command
columnar output, ls command
comma-separated listing, ls command
command documentation [See also info command man
command documentation, apropos command
command documentation, command defaults, identifying
command documentation, manpages [See default printer manpages.]
command documentation, path, source files, and manpages, finding
command documentation, searching
command documentation, synopses
commands, -R options to
commands, appending output to a file
commands, canceling
commands, command aliases [See alias.]
commands, command stacking
commands, command substitution
commands, files, using for command input
commands, output redirection 2nd
commands, output, searching with grep
commands, repeating commands
Common UNIX Printing System [See default printer CUPS canceling
compress command
compressed files, testing for corruption 2nd
cp command
cp command, creating backups using
cp command, directories, copying
cp command, interactive option
cp command, verbose option
cp command, wildcards, using
Ctrl+c command
CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) [See also files printing.]
CUPS, CUPS Software Users Manual
CUPS, Linux Journal article
CUPS, URIs and
curl command
curly braces ({})
dashes (-)
DEB packages
default printer
default printer, CUPS
default printer, CUPS, canceling print jobs to
default printer, CUPS, determining
default printer, CUPS, printing to
default printer, job ID numbers
default printer, Linux Journal overview
default printer, lpstat, collecting system information with
default printer, manpages
default printer, print jobs
default printer, print jobs, canceling all
default printer, print jobs, listing
default printer, print jobs, listing corresponding printers
default printer, print jobs, multiple copies, printing
default printer, print jobs, to any printer
default printer, print jobs, to any printer, canceling
default printer, print jobs, to default, canceling
default printer, printer connections
default printer, printer status, determining
deleting directories
deleting files
deleting files, accidental deletes, preventing
deleting files, verbose option
deleting files, with special characters in the filename
deleting files, with wildcards
df command
dhclient command
DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol)
Directories, changing
directories, contents of, listing [See ls command.]
Directories, copying
directories, creating new
directories, creating with included subdirectories
directories, current directory, determining
directories, deleting with contents
directories, disk space usage, totals only
directories, empty, removing
directories, file space usage, monitoring
directories, moving and renaming
directories, ownerships [See ownership of files.]
directories, permissions [See permissions.]
Directory node, info command
| disk usage, monitoring
DNS (Domain Name System)
dog command
double ampersand (&&)
double bang (!!)
double pipe (||)
double quotes in regular expressions
double right angle brackets
dpkg command
du command
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP)
echo command
encryption keys
Environment variables
ESSID (Extended Service Set Identifier)
Ethernet cards 2nd
executables, finding
Expert Info, info command
Extended Service Set Identifier (ESSID)
files, archiving [See archiving.]
files, command input, using for
files, compressing
files, copying
files, copying between hosts
files, copying, avoiding overwrites
files, copying, backups
files, copying, cat command and output redirection, using
files, copying, wildcards, using
files, deleting
files, deleting, accidental deletes, preventing
files, deleting, special characters, handling
files, deleting, wildcards, using
files, empty files, creating
files, file attributes
files, file descriptors
files, file size, listing
files, file type, displaying
files, filenames
files, finding [See find command; ; locate command.]
files, hidden files, viewing
Files, listing [See ls command.]
files, moving
files, open files, listing
files, ownerships [See ownership of files.]
files, permission and type characters
files, permissions [See permissions.]
files, printing
files, renaming
files, searching in [See grep command.]
files, secure network transfers
files, secure transfer and backup between hosts
files, time, changing on
files, users of, listing
files, viewing
files, viewing, beginning bytes
files, viewing, beginning lines
files, viewing, cat command, using
files, viewing, last ten lines
files, viewing, one screen at a time
files, viewing, repeated viewing, appended updates
find command
find command, -a (AND) option
find command, -exec option
find command, -fprint option
find command, -n (NOT) option
find command, -o (OR) option
find command, file type
find command, name
find command, ownership
find command, size
forward slash (/)
free command
GID (group ID)
grep command
grep command, -R (recursive) option
grep command, case-insensitive option
grep command, limiting results to matched files
grep command, line numbers of results, showing
grep command, outputting lines near matched terms
grep command, outputting names of files containing matches
grep command, regular expressions
grep command, searching command output
grep command, searching for negative matches
grep command, searching text files for patterns
grep command, searching within results
grep command, versions of
grep command, whole words, limiting searches to
Group ID (GID)
gunzip command
gzip command 2nd
head command
head command, bytes option
head command, multiple files, using with
head command, number option
hidden files, viewing
history command
history command, .bash history file, security concerns
history command, repeating commands
history command, repeating the last command
home directory 2nd
host command
ICMP messages
ifconfig command 2nd
ifconfig command, MAC address spoofing
ifconfig command, network configuration using
ifconfig command, network inspection using
ifdown command
ifup command
Import command
Info command [See also searching command
info command, Directory node
info command, Expert Info
info command, navigation
input redirection
input/output streams
Installing software [See package management.]
IP addresses 2nd
IPv4 and IPv6
iwconfig command
iwconfig command, connection encryption schemes
iwconfig command, ESSID
iwconfig command, WEP
iwconfig command, wireless interface configuration
iwconfig command, wireless interface status, checking
iwconfig command, wireless network topologies
job ID numbers, printing
KILL command
left angle bracket (<)
less command
links, online resources concerning
Linux distributions
locate command
locate command, case-insensitive option
locate command, piping output to pagers
locate command, slocate and
locate command, updating the database
log files, repeated viewing of appended updates
Loopback address
lpq command
lpr command
lprm command
lpstat command 2nd
ls command
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